10 | Sneaking out

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She likes to give a smile to every stranger
She loves to get her ass in any danger
Wanna know her now, wanna love her now
I wanna make her be my girl

-She's crazy but She's mine,

It is both a blessing and a curse to feel something so deeply

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It is both a blessing and a curse to feel something so deeply.

Grace really did abhor the way Atharv was crouching down and desperately tried to wake that midnight attacker. It was not like he knew her anyway.

She couldn't unravel what she was feeling. All she could do was stare at the back of the man who even failed to recall that he was supposed to apply the medicine on her chin.

This was vexing her. She couldn't decipher that if she disliked the way the feeling of anger and a sense of resentment towards the no-name girl arrested her mind or the way Atharv's hands shook the unconscious lady.

He in no way manifested that the attacker was unknown to him.

Despite of his attempts, the stranger girl remained on the floor like a dead body.

I hope she is dead.

As if reading her mind, he turned to look at her with eyebrow raised.

"You still didn't answer my question," he said, getting up to face her.

"All I did was defend myself," Grace muttered, suppressing the murderous thoughts that rushed through her mind.

Rubbing his temples, Atharv grumbled, "You can't almost kill a person and act like nothing happened."

She scoffed, leaning back on the bed. "There was a girl in 9th standard, my classmate," Her eyes twinkling with nostalgia.

"She used to sit beside me and poke me softly with a needle. That airhead thought it was 'cute friendship thingy'," Grace air-quoted to emphasize her words. "But let me tell that was hella irritating. Since you know me so well, guess what I did to her?"

A scowl made its way on Atharv's face. He couldn't understand why she started her 9th standard stories all of a sudden. His lips parted in response.

"I poked that needle so hard into her hand that it passed though her flesh," The curly haired girl looked at him dead in the eye and grunted, "She never bothered me ever since that day."

He found himself locking eyes with her who had the facade of indifference gracing her angelic features. "Why are you telling me this?" He tilted his head to side with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Because you're bothering me right now," she replied with a smile loaded with sarcasm.

The room went silence, the only sound that could be heard was the crooning of birds outside while Grace and Atharv initiated  a staring contest.

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