7 | Suspicious

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Eyes can't shine unless there's something burning behind them.



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"Slow down a bit."





Yumi leaned against the door frame, trying to hear the conversation between Atharv and Grace who were still inside the room.

"What do you think they are doing?" She chirped as she looked at Rehan who was suddenly silent, an expression of thoughtfulness spread across his face.

"Rehan~" she said in a singing voice to get his attention. 

Snapping out of his thoughts, he simply shrugged, his mind elsewhere.

"I guess they are," the korean girl made weird kissing sound before laughing at her own self.

The door opened and Yumi's eyes widened as she tried to run from her place, accidently poking someone's eye with her finger.

"Ow!" Grace jumped, holding her eye.

"IamsorryIdidn'tdoitonpurpose," Yumi blurted and the curly haired girl squinted her eyes, trying to comprehend what she said.

"You were eavesdropping?" Atharv asked.

"I w-was just..," said Yumi, her face gave a impression that her mind was buffering. "I MEAN NO I WASN'T EAVESDROPPING!"

Grace was getting fed up of all these things. She had grown up shouting and snapping at people for the smallest of their mistake. At this moment, she just wanted to voice her anger.

She was holding her mouth due to a certain someone because she wished to appear as a good person in front of Atharv maybe just a little bit.

Got a crush? Her inner voice chimed.

What the fuck! No.

She didn't really have a crush on anyone prior to this, but she did feel a strange attraction towards him as if they are not strangers.

The familiar vibes that Atharv radiates made her think that maybe they have known each other in their past lives as it was shown in movies.

It was absurd, she thought. Was it even possible for someone to like another person immediately after seeing them?

She glanced slightly at Atharv and noticed everyone had their eyes set on her.

He waved his hand in front of her face to pull her out of her never ending thoughts.

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