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"An apology isn't enough

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"An apology isn't enough. It never will be. But I am. I'm sorry."

Malibu, California
May, 2010

SHE WAS FAINTLY AWARE OF Stark grabbing ahold of her shoulders as the ground grew closer to her face. It took her a second to register the fact she'd nearly collapsed. Her body was shutting down, too exhausted because she'd skipped her sleep cycle. She blinked profusely, trying to keep herself onto her feet as Stark helped her down the hall towards her room.

"Not gonna ask." Stark muttered, and Verfall wondered if he was talking to himself or her.

She let out a soft groan of pain as her head thrummed, like hot knives were burning into her scalp and twisting back and forth against her brain. It was not unlike the burning sensation she vividly remembered feeling decades ago, from the lack of IV drips- from pills.

Verfall winced as Stark led her into her bedroom, where a private bathroom was connected. She staggered forwards, nearly collapsing onto the floor as Stark failed to keep a tight grip on her. Confusion was clear in his gaze as she crumpled to the floor, his hand still holding onto her shoulder.

He crouched beside her, brows furrowing.

"Are you hungry? What is-?"

Verfall suddenly coughed, hacking up something from her throat. She looked down at her hand and froze. It wasn't spit or bile or throw up- it was blood. She immediately put a cupped hand underneath her nose, blood trickling down her face and towards her lips.

"Lucia?" Stark's voice was muted.

She pulled herself to her feet and rushed into the bathroom, leaving Stark futilely following after her. She turned the sink on, ignoring the blood she wiped on the faucet handle as she splashed water onto her face. She collected the cold liquid in her hand, putting it to her lips and washing her mouth.

The dark blood pouring down her nose wasn't stopping, and Verfall felt panic in her chest rise as she continuously wiped the crimson liquid.

"Did you- Did you sleep?" Stark said with a hint of hesitation as he watched her with worry. "Are you sick? Are you dying?"

Verfall shook her head fiercely.

"Don't jinx it." She pursed her lips as she wiped her nose again. "I just haven't slept."

"Again?" Stark didn't sound surprised.

He understood, especially when he stayed up overnight. But it was a problem- Verfall not sleeping was a problem to him. That was an odd thing to think. She wiped her nose continuously for another minute before the flow started to slow. She carefully breathed through her nose, feeling the air enter and leave without any blood pouring out.

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