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"I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn't love myself

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"I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn't love myself."

London, England
March, 1944

"JAMES I SWEAR TO GOD I will murder you!" Lucy hollered as she chased after a tuft of brown hair aided by a seemingly innocent Joseph as sunlight reflected off the beer bottles in their hands.

Lucy wiped sweat off her brow, grinning mischievously when Steve appeared in front of them, pointing at them with an accusatory finger.

The Howling Commandos were supposed to throw a magnificent birthday party for James, but their plans were scrapped when Joseph let loose the news of booze being held in one of the barracks. Now Steve, Lucy and Peggy were struggling to grab the pair before they could drink everything.

Joseph let out an unmanly shriek as he turned on his heel and sprinted in the opposite direction, right into Lucy. She winked at him and Joseph looked back and forth before grabbing James's arm and tugging him to the right.

James's eyes lit up and followed instantly.

"Oh no you don't!" Lucy and Steve shouted at the same time.

She lunged at James and tackled him to the ground. He let loose a short-lived shriek as his face kissed the dirt. Lucy let out a laugh before stealing the beer bottles from his hands. James groaned with defeat, before grinning up at her mischievously. Lucy raised an eyebrow as he threw her over, turning so he was above her instead. She huffed, hugging the beer bottles so James couldn't take them. He pursed his lip into a pout, before pecking her on the cheek.

Lucy blinked, before red tinted her cheeks.

"James!" She whined as he pulled himself off of her.

He looked down at her triumphantly and she rolled her eyes as she stood back onto her feet.

She looked to Steve a few feet away, playfully wrestling Joseph as he tried to reach for the beers. James laughed at the sight, clutching his stomach as he pointed. Lucy juggled the beers in her hand as Peggy appeared around the corner.

"Catch!" Lucy shouted and Peggy looked up just in time to catch two bottles.

She shot Lucy a chiding look as she rushed over towards Joseph.

"Watch out!" James yelled at Joseph who ducked as Lucy barreled towards them.

She shrieked and caught her balance last second, snatching a beer from Joseph's hand. He wailed in despair as Lucy put a hand on her hip, holding her hand out for the other one in his hand. Joseph begrudgingly handed her the glass and she let loose a small sigh.

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