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"You haven't tried everything

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"You haven't tried everything. No one has."

Malibu, California
May, 2010

VERFALL PURSED HER LIPS, HANDS on her hips as she gazed up at the glaring sun. She'd gone to her room for merely ten minutes- she found it ridiculous if she wore a sleek combat getup at a donut shop- and Stark had completely disappeared from the mansion. She had assumed he'd gone to boot up one of the cars, but no. He'd taken one of his suits and flown to Randy's Donuts.

Now she was here, a BMW parked to the left of her as she stared nearly into the sun, where Stark was seated at the center of a donut, metal shimmering off gold and red aluminum. He had a box of donuts in his hands as he chewed on one covered in icing.

She waved her hand at him and Stark glanced down for a second, before promptly grabbing a donut and tossing it at her face. She sighed, catching the dessert before it could hit the ground. She inspected it. As soon as her face got close to the sugary confection, she was disgusted by how sickeningly sweet it smelled.

She'd been surviving off of alcohol- courtesy of Stark- saltines, and takeout soup. Some days she ate nothing. Her body was used to it, although the absence of hydrating IV drips had been a momentary problem before she drank her problems away- not that she had a single problem to focus on.

She had too many.

Then there was the whole drug situation. She was sure they shot her up with too much of whatever drug they thought was necessary for her to function properly. It loosened her mind, let it dislodge a bit so she'd be more docile.

At least they tried.

And she hadn't been on it for two weeks- now going three. She wasn't feeling any different, so she supposed that was a plus.

But, back to the problem at hand- or well, literally in her hand. She kept the donut between her fingers, before holding it back up to Stark, facing the devilish sun once again.

Stark merely pushed his sunglasses back over his face, before turning and grabbing another donut, eating it heartily.

"Tony!" She called.

He let out a loud huff, looking down at her again.

"We should talk." She said.

Stark rolled his eyes at her words, turning back to his donuts and taking another huge bite.

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