[ 045 ] elliot is scared, and for good reason

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e l l i o t i s s c a r e d ,
a n d f o r g o o d
r e a s o n

—DIEGO AND LILA were sitting in the built-in television showroom of a large apartment building. The time was four-thirty in the morning. The town was still sleeping.

Lila, sitting criss-crossed on the ground and doing nothing whatsoever, became aware of Diego at the other end of the room. He was a good-looking man, fitting well into the TV description of tall, dark and handsome, and she imagined he had been examining her with covert admiration for some time.

Lila had no inhibitions about making friends with strange young men in mental facilities. She considered herself an excellent judge of character and well able to check any manifestations of freshness on the part of unattached males. She proceeded to smile frankly at him and Diego responded like a marionette when you pull the string.

"So, you've met my brother," said Diego.

"I have. He's a real character."

"Always has been. Do you have any siblings?"

"Sort of."

She rather expected that he would press the topic, but he did not. He merely sighed—then he said: "What's your full name?"

"Delilah. But you can't call me that. Nobody does."

"Why did your parents want to name you after a biblical seductress?"

"Delilah isn't only a seductress," Lila pointed out. "It means 'delicate' in Arabic as well."

"Mm yes. What's your last name?"

She hesitated a second before answering. "Pitts."

"Delilah Pitts," said Diego, trying it on his tongue. He shook his head. "They don't go together."

"You're right," said Lila with feeling. "If it were Jenny it would be fine—Jenny Pitts. But Lila needs something with a bit more class to it. Delilah Lytton-Gore for instance. That's the kind of thing one needs. Something to roll around the mouth."

"You could tack something onto the Pitts," said Diego with sympathetic interest.

"Bedford Pitts."

"Carisbrooke Pitts."

"St. Clair Pitts."

"Rathbone Pitts."

This agreeable game was interrupted by Diego glancing at his watch and uttering an annoyed exclamation.

"He said he'd be at this address an hour ago. Where the hell is Five?"

"I wouldn't know," said Lila. "Where did he even want to go?"

"To find this girl, I bet," said Diego with vehemence.

Lila became suddenly interested. "Girl? What girl are you talking about?"

But on this point, Diego did not need to elaborate. The sound of a latch being undone came from across the room. The blood rushed to Lila's face, but her self control was marvellous. The features of her face twisted. In an instant, she was ready—ready to assume any role she need take . . .

In the doorway were Zara and Five.

. . .

—SUFFICE TO SAY, they were all very surprised to meet each other. Zara strode into the room. Diego stood facing her, nearest to the door. In his hand he carried a small knife, which he dropped with a clatter upon seeing her.

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