[ 032 ] a terrible case of the dark and cloudies

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a t e r r i b l e c a s e
o f t h e d a r k a n d
c l o u d i e s

TWO PEOPLE WERE standing in the moonlight. It was good to be out of the house. It felt like they were awakening from a nightmare.

There was danger, yes, but it was danger in the dull, rainy storm—and not in pitch darkness. That paralyzingly atmosphere of fear that wrapped round the Academy like a blanket was gone, if only for a little while.

"This is exciting!" Zara had to practically shout to be heard over the roar of the wind. "I rather like the rain. There's something thrilling about thunderstorms!"

"You should've brought an umbrella," said Five, looking at her from under his black one. "You'll be cold with your clothes all wet."

She said with a raucous laugh: "Cold? I should be colder if I were dead!"

The wind died down for a moment. Zara looked around the hill. Kiki was on her shoulder, and although the parrot was no great fan of the rain, she was happy to be included in any late night adventures.

The little group went to the very bottom of the hill and then stood still, debating which way to go.

"I think we'll go up to the quarry," said Zara. "And see all the animals that come out in the nighttime."

"Lead the way," said Five, beginning to wonder why exactly he left a warm bed for what felt like the precursor to a frickin' hurricane.

"Alrighty then." She took a deep breath of the cold spring air, her eyes looking even darker than usual in the dusky moonlight.

Oh, right. That was why. Stupid teenage hormones, screwing him over 24/7.

So they went silently to the woods on the east side of the Academy, making no noise over the roar of the storm. They kept to the shadows of the hedges, not wanting to arouse suspicion with two teenagers creeping around in the darkness.

They came to the woods. Zara knew what type of place badgers would visit, and she led Five to a hedge overshadowing a big bank.

"This is the right spot to wait in," she said. "We'll squeeze behind that bush there."

They crouched down in the black shadows. An owl suddenly hooted nearby, and Kiki at once hooted back, copying the long, quavering hoot exactly, and making them both jump.

"Quiet, Kiki," Zara whispered fiercely. "You'll bring all the owls down on us with your hooting. Gosh, here comes the one you mimicked!"

An owl swooped by Five's head, and he ducked, as did Kiki. Kiki had to stop herself from hooting back again. She loved confusing other birds.

She kept silent, half-sulky. The teenagers listened for any movement or noise. Suddenly Five nudged Zara. A long, weasel-like animal was hurrying by.

"Stoat," whispered Zara in Five's ear. "And what's this? A hedgehog!"

The hedgehog was curious about the dark shadows sitting behind the bush. He came fearlessly up to investigate. Zara put out her hand slowly, and the hedgehog sniffed it over. Five almost expected it to climb onto Zara's knee. No creature was ever afraid of her.

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