"As tempting as that sounds, it's not very appealing if you end up busy all night," she glanced up at him, resting her head on his shoulder as they crossed the car park.

"That's a fair point," he nodded, kissing the top of her head as they reached his car, "That way you can wait for me naked as well. "

"Maybe, maybe not," she shrugged.

She squealed slightly when he tickled her side slightly. They reached the car and he pressed her up against the passenger side door, pressing his lips to hers. She sighed in content, lifting her arms around his neck again loosely. They kissed slowly, savouring each touch.

"Don't tease me, baby," he whispered, brushing a loose strand of hair back behind her ear.

"I never tease," she grinned, biting her lip.

"Get in the car," he chuckled, kissing her cheek before he moved around to the driver's side.

She sighed softly, feeling a little more than frustrated after being away from him for so long. She really wished he didn't have to go back to work, but it meant they would be able to spend the next four days together. She climbed in the car, dropping her bag at her feet in the footwell.

She reached for the entertainment system in the car, connecting her phone and setting her playlist to play. She could see him chuckle silently out of the corner of her eye, making her smile. She sat back in her seat as he started driving.

"Why do you do that every time you get in my car?" He asked, his hand resting on her thigh.

"Because you listen to awful music," she rolled her eyes, moving her hand over his.

"We're not bringing this up again," he chuckled, sliding his fingers through hers with a gentle squeeze, "You look more relaxed than you did the other day."

"I feel more relaxed, here with you," she mused, turning her head to watch him as he drove, "you just have that affect over me."

"Good," he glanced to her with a grin, "I'm so glad you're here."


Something was tickling her cheek and she tried to brush it away, groaning softly as she turned over in the bed. She was tired, and pretty sure she'd only slept for a couple hours, so had no idea why she'd be awake now. She curled up as she tried to get back to sleep, a small yawn escaping her.

"Mer, I have breakfast," she heard Derek's quiet voice close to her ear, his arm moving around her waist.

"Hmmm," she moaned slightly, turning into his hold as the smell of coffee hit her, "Coffee."

"Yeah, I have coffee," he chuckled, his lips touching her forehead.

"Hey," she murmured, lifting her head and squinting slightly at him as she touched her lips to his.

"Good morning," he whispered, kissing her softly as his fingers moved through her hair.

"Breakfast?" she asked, curling closer into him.

"Bagels," he told her, his nose gently nudging hers, "Getting up?"

"I guess, are you not shattered?" she asked, slowly sitting up in the bed.

"Surgery high," he said with a slight grin before frowning, "You're not naked."

"I fell asleep reading," she rolled her eyes with a short laugh.

"Oh, you don't read naked. That's disappointing," he sighed as he reached to grab their coffee, passing hers over.

"Do you read naked?" she quirked an eyebrow at him, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Well, no," he grinned at her.

She moved to sit closer to him, leaning against his side as she cradled her coffee cup, his arm moving around her waist as he kissed the top of her head. She reached over him for the bag of bagels, realising how hungry she actually was since she hadn't bothered to make dinner last night.

"What do you want to do today?" he asked her, pressing soft kisses to the back of her neck.

"I thought we were just going to stay in bed for the next two weeks," she shrugged slightly, pulling out one of the bagels.

"Oh, you were serious about that?" he murmured against her skin as his lips moved down over her shoulder.

"You don't want to spend the next two weeks locked away in your apartment from the rest of the world?"

"I mean... most of the time, yeah, but we have to go out and get food, fresh air, maybe a date night or two, or three..." he chuckled quietly as he moved his hand over her shoulders, massaging them gently.

"And here I packed light because I figured we wouldn't leave the bed," she moaned softly, setting down the remainder of her bagel as she leant her head back against his shoulder.

"That just means we're going to have to go shopping," he sighed softly, increasing the pressure of his thumbs against the back of her shoulders, "You'll have to try on clothes for me... have some fun in the changing room."

"Derek," she moaned a little louder, turning her head toward his neck, "That feels amazing."

"I've missed that sound," he whispered, ducking his head to press his lips against hers, his hands moving down her back, still moving his fingers in circular motions to massage her.

"What happened to breakfast in bed?" she murmured, trying to catch his lips again as he pulled back slightly.

"Food can wait, we've been apart for almost a month, I've missed you," he lifted one hand, tangling his fingers into her hair as he kissed her again, the other hand taking her coffee and putting it on the bedside table.

"I think that's the longest we've been apart in the last year," she said, a soft gasp escaping her lips as his fingers tightened in her hair slightly and he moved the food off the bed.

"Never that long again," he groaned softly against her lips, his hand moving to her waist with a gentle grip.

She turned herself to straddle his lap, her fingers tangling into his hair. She grinned, touching her lips to his forehead and down the edge of his nose until she reached his lips.

"God, no."

Life without ya, I never wanna find out,
You're scared, me too, I won't leave you.

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