I watched her as she scurried along in her shifted form. I had hated to admit it to myself, but at the time, I was quite surprised that she was able to pick up that ability with absolutely no instruction. I didn't admit it to myself at the time, however the promise she showed in that one ability alone worried me.

I did her a service by reporting to the cops a description of her chosen shifted form leaving the apartment. At the time I wasn't sure why I had gone to such lengths to protect someone I already saw as an enemy. Later I realized it was probably because of how much I wanted to play with the youngling who had just come into her powers.

Over the years since I had left bodies in my wake. Bodies that Dionysus' pitiful Legion had confused for the few victims that she had left behind herself; of course with evidence planted by myself. I never fuckin' expected for them to basically adopt the youngling after they finally ended up discovering her. Had I not seen it for myself I wouldn't have believed it. They didn't fucking take in charity cases. So, why the fuck were they bothering with her?

I followed them both to Hephaestus' sham of a house and also to their own home in Gehenna afterward. That's where a lightbulb figuratively went off in my brain, and I came up with a new plan. I walked several miles away and shifted into my more demonic form before ripping a sizable rift connected to the Infernal Plains. Then after the sun had fallen tonight I blew out every single one of their candles surrounding their home that were meant to protect them from the abyssal fiends that sometimes wandered into their circle.

I climbed one of the dead trees a good distance away, found a cozy perch, and simply waited for the pandemonium to begin. Too bad I don't have any popcorn.

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I was a shithead for doing that to Everleigh, and I most definitely was regretting it now. I sure as shit never ever want to see that fucking look on her face ever again, but I knew I was more than likely bound to do something else as equally, shitatistically stupid in the future.

My actions hours ago weren't the only thing that was bothering the crap out of me however. There was also the fact that Namjoon went upstairs to take care of her hunger, and he hasn't been back down yet since. When Jungkook set up the seal for the magic that created her bedroom design he made sure to include some heavy duty sound insulation. The reason was because when it came down to it, despite how much each of us might have been trying to deny it, she was most definitely our mate. So, my mind was conjuring all sorts of elicit scenarios that could be going on up in that room. Sure those scenarios were feeding my libido, but I would rather be taking part in the images my mind was creating rather than them being as ethereal as smoke.

So, instead I chose to think about how the others were taking the news about Everleigh being our mate. Honestly, I can't be sure if I have been the one who has been fighting the concept the most or not. Yoongi, Jimin, Seokjin, and Taehyung have all been pretty fucking quiet about the idea of it. Jungkook is the only one that has made his polar opposite reaction known. He is as at least equally excited about the possibility as he is when he ends up having the highest body count on one of those first person bang bang shoot 'em all up games he plays. Namjoon doesn't seem reluctant, but on the surface he is handling it in a very taciturn kind of manner that tells me squat about what he thinks regarding the situation..

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