After seeing all the wounds on my baby sister my anger got the best of me. I wanted to smash the person's skull in, whoever did this will pay.  Our search team is getting close to catching the people who have hurt her.


After hearing that someone had hurt Bella I came rushing home with Dante. As soon as I saw the injuries I put out a team to track down whoever did this. I was gonna slowly torture them, make them regret what they have done to my princess. This would have never happened if we found her in time.

After sitting in one of the rooms of my business's hospital one of my nurse's walked in. All my brothers stood up worriedly nervous to hear about the extent of her injuries.

"Bella seems to be in a bad state. She is malnourished, She has multiple open wounds that are getting infected there is one infected already, she has bruised ribs,  burn marks and burn imprints on her back, her stomach is also covered with bruises, and there was strangle marks on her neck.  We also did a full examination and we are assuming she's been sexually assaulted multiple times. We are running samples and a pregnancy test right now. You may see her now if you'd like. Just please be gentle with her." The nurse informed us.

We all quickly rushed into her room to see her laying limp in a hospital bed, her face pale as a ghost and ivs hooked up to her. We sat down and nervously waited for her to wake up.

I awoke to a bright white light shining down on me, I forgot I was in the hospital. I groaned at tried to sit up a bit. Quickly my brother Lorenzo ran over and grabbed my hand gently. "How are you feeling princess?" He asked

I licked my chapped lips and looked down.
"I'm just sore, that's all" I said softly, lying about how I was feeling.

A nurse walked in asking to speak to them privately and my brothers left the room.

Lorenzo frowned knowing I'm lying to him.
"I'll be back princess I'm going to talk to the guys. They are outside talking to the nurse." He said, letting go of my hand and walking out.

I nodded my head and laid back down. I fiddled with my hands on the bed nervously. What if they found out everything that has happened. They will just think of me as a broken girl, nothing left to save.


As I sat with my brothers outside Bella's room the nurse finally came to tell us anything new.

"I'm sorry to inform you but it seems that Bella is 7 weeks pregnant. Tests results came back positive multiple times. Having a baby may kill her. Her body was starting to fail." She said

My eyebrows furrowed and I punched the wall. How does this happen. It angered me to my core, this can't happen.  How cruel can someone be to get a 13 year old pregnant.

"What are the options to get rid of the baby." I asked angrily.

"W..We'll since she is 7 weeks the abortion pill is still effective, we can start treatment right away." The nurse nervously said.

I nodded agreeing to do that. I wanted what's best for Bella.

Once the nurse was done we walked back into Bella's room. She was sitting up looking at the tv trying to change the staton.

"B-Bella, we need to talk okay?" I said trying to stay calm. I sat down beside her and held her hand.

"Tests results show you're pregnant..we have ordered pills to stop that okay?" I said to her, stroking my finger over her hand.

She stiffened up and tears started to pour out of her eyes.

How can this happen to me I thought, a baby? Everyone will think I'm just a slut, I'm useless. I thought to myself. As tears spilled out my brother Gio hugged me tightly.

"It's okay sis we are here for you. No one can hurt you ever again" he soothed me. The guys were sitting down in the room watching me cry.

I slowly moved away from the hug and picked up the tv remote. I wanted to lighten up the mood a bit so I could stop the waterfall of tears just pouring out. I sniffled and looked at them.

"Can..Can someone help me with the remote." I said nervously.

I've never watched tv before, once in awhile if master was watching tv with his wife I'd sneak a peek. But it wasn't something that I'd seem to like. However, now there's a tv in my face and I just couldn't work the remote.

Dante came over and grasped the remote from my hand, "here I'll help you." He chimed and patted my head gently.

After Dante had turned on the tv he asked me what show or movie I would like. I shrugged and looked at the tv.

"I've never watched anything before." I hummed sadly and looked at all the shows and movies he was passing.

"Really!?" Antonio asked surprised. I nodded and looked away.

Then, a movie called "up" popped up and I pointed at it. "That one!" I said eagerly.

The picture was of a house with balloons on top. I loved balloons.

Dante nodded and pressed on the movie I picked. He sat down next to me and made himself comfy.

Everyone was quiet watching the movie and I smiled to myself. Movies are great. I thought, as I looked around at my brothers. Some of them seemed bored. Maybe I shouldn't have put on a movie...

Towards the end of the movie Matteo got a call. He quickly answered it and left the room. Some of the guys left along with him. I wondered what was so important. After they left I took the pills that were beside my bed, I'm guessing pain killers and antibiotics.

Slowly, my eyes closed from the silence in the room and I drifted off to sleep.

I answered my phone and quickly walked out. It was my team I sent out to find the people who hurt my princess.

"Sir, we found them trying to flee their house. There was another guy with them I think it's their friend. They might be apart of it. We have them tied up and sedated right now. Should we fly them over now to your building." The guy said

"Yes and tell me ASAP once they arrive, I'll bring my brothers." I said angrily, my fists clenching.

I hung up and looked at my brothers. "They found them, let's go." I said and started heading towards the cars. I had a guard watch over Bella's door just in case anything happened.

1719 words

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