14. Finding My Princess

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Phoenix POV

Seeing my princess walk off with that man made my heart physically break, I wished I could do more but I couldn't because it would of put hundreds of other people in danger at the hospital. That was 5 months ago, you heard right, my princess has been missing/kidnapped for 5 months.

Your probably wondering why we haven't found her yet and it's frustrating we haven't but Dario is good at hiding, considering he hid from Brody and his partner for months before he showed up at the hospital, so he's very good at covering his tracks.

These 5 months have been hard for everyone, Luna has been really struggling, she is almost due, her due date is in 2 days and she feels to blame for Jacqueline going off with Dario because he had her and Jacqueline sacrifice herself for her but we've all been trying to help her see and understand that it's not her fault it's Dario fault.

We all still been staying at Jacqueline parents house because it's safer for now, I ask Desire's college if she could do her studies from home and only go in for practical studies and Brody's partner takes her and guards the door, myself and Brody spoke to the college's head of department and explained as much as we could legally and they understand thankfully.

I change into my daily outfit I can't be bothered with nice clothes because myself, Luna and Oliver all took time off work after what happened and I've just been miserable apart from trying to help Brody find her.

I change into my daily outfit I can't be bothered with nice clothes because myself, Luna and Oliver all took time off work after what happened and I've just been miserable apart from trying to help Brody find her

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I head downstairs and into the kitchen and see Oliver and Luna cuddling while Oliver is rubbing her big bump.

They look up and smile

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They look up and smile.

Luna: Sorry.

Phoenix: For?

Luna: Being all cuddly and stuff when Jac isn't here.

I smile at her.

Phoenix: Don't apologies, Jac would want you to be happy.

Oliver: Your up later than normal.

I look at the clock on the kitchen wall and see it is two in the afternoon.

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