10. Explanation

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Luna POV

Me and Ollie are just returning from a nice walk along the beach and we went to a restaurant to have food so we could give them more time to talk, not that I had much to eat there as I was throwing up again. We walk inside and it's really silent, too silent, I look at Ollie and he shrugs his shoulders.

Luna: Where are they?

Oliver: No idea, maybe check there room?

Luna: Can you check the kitchen and out back?

He kisses my head and walks off, I walk to there room and see the door is open, I poke my head in and see clothes everywhere, I look to the bed and see Phoenix under the covers while Jac is on top of him sleeping butt naked.

I shake my head, smirk and pull the door up and head towards the living room and see Ollie sitting down.

Oliver: Find them?

Luna: Bloody idiots!

Oliver: What?

Luna: In the bedroom butt naked clearly had makeup sex.

Oliver: Jesus I don't need to know about my best friend and your best friends sex habits!

I smirk at him and sit down next to him.

Luna: I'm not sorry. I bet they haven't even spoken about stuff, they just got angry and had sex, Jac has always been a hot headed idiot.

Oliver: Leave them to work it out themselves, you've got to focus on you and the baby.

I smile at him and lean in and kiss him.


I stir awake and realise I'm on top of Phoenix, I look at the time and realise we've been sleeping for like 3 hours. I look up and see Phoenix looking down at me with a sad smile. I roll off him and sit up against the head board.

Jacqueline: I'm sorry.

I look down at my hands and feel tears fall, I feel the bed move and then Phoenix hand comes under my chin and lifts my face up.

Phoenix: I'm sorry too.

He rubs my tears away and I shake my head.

Jacqueline: No you have no reason to be sorry, I was the one who overreacted as usual, I was the one who told you I didn't need protecting but when it came to a female flirting with you I lost it.

Phoenix: We need to trust each other, I know this is all new for both of us but you need to trust that I would never cheat on you and I am not like Dario. I need to trust you would never cheat or leave me and I need to trust you can protect yourself and don't need me to fight your battles.

Jacqueline: Truthfully you protecting me from whoever he was reminded me of how territorial Dario got and that's not your fault it's mine, it just scared me a little bit but after I thought about it and realised what you said and did was completely different and you was doing it to protect me and show me you care.

Phoenix: You should of told me instead of walking off.

Jacqueline: I know I should of and I'm sorry, it kind of shows you how immature I clearly am compared to you.

He pulls me on to his lap.

Phoenix: Your not immature, you've had a traumatic few years and you've never been with anyone else so you think all relationships are going to be like how he was with you. I also have my bad days and running away earlier wasn't because I didn't mean it, it was because I was terrified you would either run or dump my sorry arse.

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