Chapter 27

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Derek's P.O.V

Next morning.

I wake up around 7 in the morning, get out of my bed and walk straight towards the washroom. I take a hot shower and freshen up. After freshing up, I wrap a towel around my waist and come out of the washroom. I choose to wear a dark blue color jeans paired with a black color t-shirt and a light blue color denim jacket on top of it.
I set my dark brown color hair with a setting gel.

After getting ready, I leave my house and decide to go at Ella's place to pick her up.

I reach at Ella's place in 10 minutes and wait for her outside.

I dial Ella's number multiple times but she isn't picking up. Oh god! What should I do? I planned to surprise her but she isn't answering. Shit. What should I do? What should I do? I'll dial her number one last time and see if she picks up. Let's hope if she does.

"Hey, Ella. Where are you? I tried your number so many times but you didn't pick up. I got so worried. Finally you picked up." I tell Ella with concern in my voice.

"Hey, Derek. I am so sorry. Actually, I was in the washroom and I didn't hear the ring so that's why. What is the matter? Why are you calling me at this hour? Is everything okay?." Ella asks me with worry filled in her voice.

"Ella, I am waiting for you outside. Get ready ASAP. I have a surprise for you." I tell Ella in an exciting tone.

"Wait! What? Are you really outside my house? Derek what if my dad sees you? I am scared. Can you go to school? Ill come in sometime and meet you there." Ella tells me with anxiety filled in her voice.

"Ella, I am not going anywhere. You have to come down in five minutes and I am taking you somewhere. So, you better get ready quickly otherwise your dad might see me. Your choice haha." I tell Ella in a teasing tone and while giggling.

"Derek, is this really the time to joke? Ugh. You aren't going to listen to me, are you?." Ella asks me with anger in her voice.

"I am not going to listen to you because I am firm on my decision. Its your decision now. Come down fast." I tell Ella with a smirk.

"Ugh, seriously? Okay. Ill come down in few minutes." Ella replied with a sigh.

And I hung up the call.

In few minutes.

"Derek, can we leave now? I am so mad at you right now. How could you just come outside of my house without informing me? You could've just told me about it. You know, I got really scared. Ugh." Ella tells me in a loud voice while running towards my car and she takes a seat. Also, she rolls her eyes at me.

"Ella, can you just chill and why do you always roll your eyes at me? You are here now, let get going." Derek tells me with a smirk forming on his face.

"Yes, Derek. Can we please leave now? We will argue about this later. Let's go." Ella tells me while gritting her teeth.

"Yeah, let's go. Don't be scared now." I replied and we drive away.

"Hush, what a relief!." Ella whispers in a low tone.

"What did you just say Ella? Was it about me?." Derek asks me with a curious look on his face.

"Not everything is about you Derek, don't worry. Ella tells me while chuckling and with a wink. Also she continues asking,"By the way, what is the surprise for me? How did you suddenly plan for a surprise?." Ella asks me whith a confused look on her face.

"Oh is it? Aren't you pulling my leg a lot now a days? Huh." Derek asks me in a sarcastic tone. Also I continue saying,"Ella, I am really sorry about what happened at school yesterday. I hope you are okay. You will come to know about the surprise soon. As things are pretty messed up at school I decided to take you somewhere so that you won't have to face Veronica and ruin your mood. I hope you will like it." I tell Ella with joy on my face.

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