Chapter 5

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Derek's P.O.V

After attending all the important classes at school today and after dropping off Zach at his place I skip going at my house rather I go to the gym and sweat it out.
Gym is my go to place where I am able to remove all my anger by running on the treadmill either do some other bicep exercises to ease my anger and lighten my mood. I really need some peace of mind and I think this place is providing me one. Given the situations and troubles in my life I put on my headphones in my ears and listen to some heartbeat songs to soothe my mind while I am doing various exercises.

While running on the treadmill, I just can't stop thinking about the things that are going on. It is just heartbreaking to not being able to find Veronica anywhere. I can't stop thinking about her. Instantly, I remove my phone from the pocket and dial Veronica's number but it is going straight to voice mail "Hey, its Veronica here if I am not able to answer your call it's just that maybe my phone battery is dead or I am busy at the moment." "Leave a message after a Beep."

After hearing all this, I just throw away my phone and I can feel that rage has taken over my entire body.

While thinking about Veronica my thoughts are suddenly shifted to Ella and start thinking about what happened at school today with her and I feel guilty about the fact that I removed all my anger and frustration on her. I also feel really sorry about it. I shouldn't have behaved with her like this today because it wasn't her fault, it was Veronica who forced her to drink last night.

I really think I owe her an apology.

After spending some time here, I get an instant urge to go at Veronica's house and check if she is at her home. So I start my car engine and drive off at Veronica's.
After reaching at her place I dial her number several times but her number is going straight to the voice-mail. So after parking my car, I climb up the stairs and bang on the door.


Somebody comes to open the door, and I can see its Veronica. She is looking absolutely delightful wearing the pajamas and crop top. She is shocked to see me at her door as if she is hiding from me.

After seeing her at the front door, I just feel like taking her in my arms and forget everything she has done but I have to control my lustious feelings and discuss about the matter at hand.

I grab her hand and pull her closer to me and after looking into her green eyes I just cannot control my rage and frustration and start shouting at her "Where have you been huh?, I have been trying to call you since we were back home after party. But you didn't even bother to answer my phone calls and didn't respond to any of the text messages. Over the weekend I have been going crazy and looking out for you everywhere. You know what, you really 'DONT CARE' about the ones who love you. Even though I have always loved you with all my heart, you have taken me for 'GRANTED'." I tell her in a furious tone.

"Hey Derek, what are you trying to say? I have always loved you and can't imagine my life without you. Actually my phone was broken so I had to buy a new phone. That's why I couldn't answer to any of your text messages." She says in an upset tone.

While we were having our conversation, somebody's phone started ringing and it was Veronica's phone so she runs towards her phone to answer it.

After she is back I ask her, "Oh so you lied to me huh just tell me how many times have you done the same thing before? I am so done with you Veronica. Here, I am worried about you since past few days and you are not at all 'RESPONSIBLE' to answer your text messages or calls. And even if your phone wasn't working so what about the telephone at your place is it not working too? And one more thing what the hell was wrong with you at the party? Even though I told you and Ella not to drink you still provoked her and you guys did so. And while Ella was unconscious you didn't have 'SYMPATHY' for her and you didn't even 'HELP' her. What kind of a best friend are you?". I say in a very maddening tone.

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