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Chapter 1

(Few days later)


"We already talked about this, mum. I'll get married at the right and supposed time." I replied as I tied my shoe laces. Why does everyone in my life keep bugging me about having to get married? I'm thirty seven and unmarried. Big deal?

"And when is the right time, hmm? When I'm no longer here?" I internally rolled my eyes. I have gotten used to mom's old lines of blackmail already. Each time she is trying to get me to do something, she comes up with the typical, "Is it until I die?" talk of hers.
"I'm just really worried about you. You are so alone and private these days. My fun Zac is nowhere to be found." She added and I could sense the sadness in her voice. I heaved a sigh at that.

A couple of years ago, I used to 'live' life. I had fun and got involved in certain stuffs more times a man my age should admit..but all that has changed now. I'm different now. I am now doing things different. And I know. I realise that she's just worried about me and that I should get a partner. It's not like marriage sounds like hell, I guess I just haven't found 'the one' like mom usually says.

But of recent, the news of Claire's intending return has somehow brought me happiness. It's been so long since I last saw her. Mom's words seemed to have faded off as I thought back to the discussion with Xander last night. He had called to raincheck on the meeting that we were supposed to have with the heads of departments later today.

"Why? Is Nichole OK? "

"Of course, but we have to go the airport tomorrow."

"You guys are going somewhere?"

"Not exactly. Claire is coming back tomorrow so I have to go with Nichole to pick her up."

"Oh. Cool."

"You're still coming for Ryan's birthday party, yes?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I assured.


My every nerve endings comes alive at the mention of her name. I have a lot to talk to her about. A lot to ask her. Lots of unanswered questions and this might just be my chance to get some answers.

It's been almost eight years since I last saw her. On the night of Xander and Nichole's wedding and the whole Nichole getting shot fiasco , after getting home, I received a call that my mom had been hospitalized at the time so without thinking twice, I boarded the next available flight home. Mom's illness was quite serious, so I had to stay back for a while longer than I thought in London since I didn't trust dad to take care of her properly in my absence. But on my arrival, few weeks later, I learnt that Claire had left for Canada.
Xander and Nichole had an inkling about my feelings for Claire. However, I didn't bug them much about her whereabouts because I didn't want to affirm their suspicions, at least, not until I spoke to her about it and knew exactly how she felt about me.

"I've got to go, ma. I'll call you later." I said, and ended the call without hearing her comeback.


After a nearly three hour flight, the plane landed and we(Ryan and me) are in the airport currently, walking towards the arrivals..and even though I'm really ecstatic about meeting my family again, the fear keeps lurking around. I held Ryan's hands tightly. Relax Claire! Relax! Everything is gonna be alright. Nobody will suspect anything if you don't act suspicious. Just relax!

"Claire?" The familiar voice said, once our wyes met. I hurried to the end of the barricade to meet my best friend in the whole world.

"Oh Claire!" She exclaimed, trying to hug me as much as she could.

" I missed you." I really did miss her a lot. It's been more than seven years. I miss my family. I miss this place.

"I missed you more." She says, pulling away. "Is this really you? Girl, you are so fat now." She teased and I noticed that she was starting to tear-up. I chuckled lightly. I should be the one telling that to her and not the other way but trust me when I say you do not want to mess with my best friend when it comes to her size.

"Well, you clearly aren't ageing." I laughed and we hugged again. Someone cleared his throat behind her. She pulls away and I'm face to face with Xander.

"Hey Xan, good to see you." I smiled and put my hands forward to shake his.

"Oh, come here!" He exclaimed and gave me a tight hug. I hugged him back with my never wavering smile.

"How are you doing, Claire? Its been ages, mom-in-law." He joked and I laughed out loud. "Where is dad, Nichole?"

"Oh well! I thought you had completely forgotten about me. At least you remember you have a father." I rolled my eyes and gave him a 'really' look.

"George Winston, ladies and gentlemen. Forever dramatic." I commented, rolling my eyes playfully.

"At least stop staring and give me a hug." I immediately ran up to him and gave him a tight hug, my eyes filling with unshed tears. After we pulled away, I realised that his eyes were filled with tears as well.

"Look at who's crying now." I remarked.

"I am not crying at all. Your face just brought some memories of your terrible cooking. That's all." We glared at each other but Nichole with the big bulge in her belly, cuts in between us.

"Ok guys, stop it now." She orders and we shared a look before laughing.

"And will someone please notice me?" Ryan exclaimed, clearly irritated, making everyone turn to look at him. Xander walked up to him.

"Hey Ryan, I am..."

He cuts in. "You are Uncle Xander."

"Smart boy." Xander said, smiling and held out his hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you." He replied, returning the gesture and giving him a bro-hug. Mind you, Xander had to squat to hug him. They pulled away and he moved towards Nichole.

"Is that you, Nichole?" He exclaimed when he saw Nichole.

"Ryan! She is your aunt. You can call her big mum or aunt." I corrected him gently.

"But she doesn't mind me calling her that, right Nicky?"

"Yes, of course. Big mum or aunt sounds too old for me anyway. I mean, I'm only sixteen, right?" She replied.

"Exactly." He replied winking and they did an high five. "You are even prettier than in the picture mom showed me and even on video calls." He adds politely with a smile and everyone smiled.

"Thanks love." She gives a smile of her own and playfully runs her hand through his hair. I stared in suprise as Ryan didn't seem to mind that. On the contrary, he smiles.

"By the way, where is he?"


"The future birthday boy for whom Mom finally brought me here." He asked and everyone chuckled at his exictment. "Oh, he went to school but I'm sure he must be back by now so let's go home."

"Ok." He replied.

"Err... Nichole, we'll just lodge in an hotel or somet..."

"Don't you dare? You've got two houses to choose from and yet, you wanna go live in an hotel?" She interrupted.

"But Nichole, I..."

"Not a chance, Claire. The fact that you lived in Canada doesn't mean we are no longer your family." Dad replied.

"Dad I.." I stopped when I saw all of their faces. "Fine" I groaned and they all had satisfied smiles on. Nichole pulled Ryan with her as their bodyguards carried our luggages along.

"So did your mum ever tell you how we became friends?" When, Ryan shook his head in the negative, she shrugs with a smile and said, "No problem, I'll tell you."

"It was a bright afternoon..well not so bright for me because..." She started, holding Ryan's hands. I smiled lightly as I watched and listened to her speak, with Ryan, earnestly listening in. Classy old Natalie.

It feels good to be back.

Her Love LanguageTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang