Chapter 9: Parting Ways

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up," Jay held his hands out, "We've all heard of the Prophecy of the Golden Child, but... the Prophecy of the Children of Dragons? I do not follow." He flattened his brows.

Everyone was quiet, not knowing what to say about Jay's statement, until Vania stepped forward to Zane's side. "These carvings," She looked at the weird language, "They're Ninjargon, but the oldest version." She turned around and saw everyone's confused look, "You know, the first form of Ninjago's traditional language?" No one followed what she was saying, "No one? Really?"

Harumi stroked her chin, humming, "I've learned almost the whole history of Ninjago. The oldest style of Ninjargon I know is the one from around a few hundred years back. I've never even seen the first form of Ninjargon..." She raised a curious brow at Vania, "How do you know this?"

Vania giggled, "At Shintaro, they teach us the full history of Ninjago. And trust me, they're very detailed. Honestly, I got bored most of the time learning this, but I do remember some things. Such as," She pointed at the prophecies, "This. I know this is the oldest style of Ninjargon. I just know it."

"In that case," Lloyd walked forward, "Since we don't understand this language as much as you do, can you translate the prophecies for us?" He asked, hoping that Vania knew how to read this type of Ninjargon.

"Oh, unfortunately, I didn't pay attention to this particular part of the history lessons." She finished her sentence with a chuckle.

"Welp," Cole sighed, wrapping his arm around Vania's neck, "I can't blame you because I know how boooring history lessons are, especially if they're mixed with another lesson. Which, in your case, is language... But thankfully," He spun around and eyed Zane, "We have a nindroid," He then remembered PIXAL. Turning around to look at PIX, his smile got even wider, "Two, at that!"

Kai winked, "Right." He gave off one of his charming smiles that could sway fangirls. He looked at the two nindroids who were already at the prophecies, "PIX, Zane. Do your magic!" He did some weird gestures with his hands as if he was using magic. Skylor gave him an unamused look. When Kai saw her expression, he shrugged, "What?"

She sighed in disappointment, "Firstly, you flashed one of your 'charming fangirl swaying' smiles. With no reason to do so whatsoever."

Kai rolled his eyes at her comment, muttering, "There's always a good reason to give off charming smiles, even if it seems like there isn't." He mumbled.

Skylor noticed but decided to not say anything about that. "And secondly, what was with the weird jazz hands?" She asked, copying the weird hand gestures he did earlier. When she finally stopped, "That was just weird." She paused, "And now that I think of it, it was weird just doing it."

"Okay, okay, okay. Sky, chill. Calm down," Kai held his hands up in defense, "There's no reason to snap at this, um, weird argument. Come to think of it," He turned to the nindroids, "Let's just hear what these prophecies have to say..." He cut himself off by yawning.

"I suggest we speed things up," Nya chimed in, coming up to the nindroids, "Before we all fall asleep." She quietly yawned, "I need to know what both prophecies say before I retire for the night."

After Nya finished her statement, Zane turned around, holding his hand out, "Does anyone have a stick so that I could write down the prophecies?"

Jay clicked his tongue, "Stick. Got it." He quickly ran out of the cave, groaning in annoyance when he briefly got stuck in the thick layer of vines, "Ugh, these vines are soo annoying!" Everyone could hear his complaining voice from all the way inside of the cave. After a minute or two of silence later, Jay's footsteps came running towards the cave and the Lightning Ninja burst through the vines. Yelling in irritation as his foot got tangled up in the vines, "Stupid vines-"

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