Chapter 2: Ambushed

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A day has passed now and they were still walking. It had been hours since they woke up from sleep and they were still walking. Every twist and turn looked the same, the only thing that actually helped them to not get lost was the river that Nya had created. Other than that, everything else around was almost always against them. Literally.

Yesterday had so many difficulties. It was not as bad as it could have been but it was still pretty bad. Right off the start, as soon as they walked into the forest, not even 10 minutes in and they ran into a hive. A Venomasicus Tigrus hive.

While Zane, PIXAL, and Nya took care of the wasps, the rest of the group had to get away from the insects because they couldn't do anything to them other than get stung by them. Nya was able to use the river water to wash away the wasps and Zane froze them in ice. Then they were able to get away.

The next complication came an hour after they ran into the Tigrus Venomasicus' hive. It didn't look like any other difficulties were going to come soon because so far, it was pretty peaceful, which is why they didn't expect it.

Jay was walking at the front of the group when Nya controlled the water to lift her up in the air. He looked up at her, confused as to why she had to make herself fly, when he fell into a wide ravine by 'accident'.

They had to make a chain to catch Jay. What was even more ridiculous was that Jay was still calling it a 'Ninja Chain', even when he was falling to his doom which is what made it ridiculous. And again, Cole was the one at the top, holding everyone from falling.

Nya tried using her water powers to help them up but it wasn't working too well. She only succeeded in soaking their clothes, making them wet. If that was what her goal was, then she would've completed it.

After getting out of Jay's little 'accident', Cole manipulated the ground to create a bridge made of rocks and dirt to get to the other side. It was stable... enough. Fortunately, luck was on their side for once and they made it across without any problems.

Then they unintentionally got split up into two groups. Thankfully, that fiasco was taken care of pretty quickly. It only took them the final hours of the day, which was 5 hours, to find each other and get back on track.

But by then, it was already turning dark so they had to make camp by the riverside. Kai lit the fire to keep them from freezing to death whilst sleeping without any cover. They just slept on the damp dirt, which was squishy and gross to sleep on but they had no other choice.

Nya didn't have a problem with it because she was just relaxed in the river stream, giving the area around them a dim blue glow. She tried to dry the ground her friends were sleeping on but because the water was already mixed with the ground, she couldn't do much. And the same went for Cole, the ground was mixed with water so he didn't have full control of the dirt.

When the next morning came, the fire was already out, either by water or it just died out. None of them could really get a nice rest that night because of lots of reasons that were already mentioned above.

They quickly got over it though and continued the trip which, according to Nya, shouldn't be too far from there. They continued from there and now, back to the present time, they were just walking. Up to this point, nothing has happened but that was usually how they greeted an evil presence.

Jay started jumping up and down, not in an exciting way but more of an uncomfortable way. Harumi was closest to him and asked, "Are you okay?"

He bit his lip and blurted out, "I need to go!" He quickly grabbed the closest person to him, which, unfortunately, was Harumi, and dragged her along with him into the forest. Not too far in but not too close to the others either.

It's Complicatedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें