IX: A Renewed Friendship

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"You won't believe who I ran into today?" I said, and her eyes brightened up in anticipation. "Who?" I shook my head.

"You won't like it." She receded into the sofa as if she sensed it right away.

"Don't tell me. Caleb. That monster." She said, and I nodded.

"You know he wrote a book right. A disgusting book." Her face curled up as she had just eaten something sour.

"I know. I went to the pet shop, but it was no longer there. A book store had replaced it. That's where I ran into the little weasel. The girl at the store told me all about the book and how creepy he made her feel each time he came to pick up his check.

And he told me about Mrs. Wong and why the pet shop closed. Something about Mr. Wong cheating and Mrs. Wong moving back to China but still goes back and forth or some shit like that." I said with a shrug.

"And he knows this how?" She asked, her face still curled up.

"He still talks to one of her sons." She shook her head.

"The baby's asleep babe," Peter called out from behind us as he walked into the kitchen and headed straight for the refrigerator.

"Thanks, babe." Replied Amanda.

"Okay. Please don't freak out when I say this. I bought his book." I said, eyes wide and waiting for an outburst.

"What!! You got that book!" Cried, Amanda.

"You got the book?!" Repeated Peter excitedly.

"You better not read that damn book Peter," Amanda said, pointing to him.

"I better not catch you reading that disgusting book!" She yelled as if he didn't hear her the first time.

"I won't, babe," he pleaded, picking up a can of beer from the refrigerator.

"Why would you buy that creep's book, Tko? Did I tell you what he did to me that night at the festival"

I shook my head. "No, you were too distraught," I replied.

"Oh yes! That's right. Sorry. New mommy brain. Well, I'll tell you now." She turned to Peter, who was now munching away in the kitchen while holding a beer in one hand and scanning the refrigerator with his green eyes for more.

"Babe, Can you please give us some privacy?" He Nodded while grabbing a bag of chips and his can of beer.

"I'll be in the bedroom." He mumbled with a mouth filled with food.

"Thanks, babe!" She waited till he shut their bedroom door before turning back to me.

"He stuck his nasty little hands up my skirt and up my legs and stuck his filthy finger in between my legs. In my 'you know what'" She closed her eyes as she relived the entire experience. "And that's when I hit him because I wasn't that little girl anymore. That defenseless little girl." She stopped to take a long, deep breath with her eyes closed.

"Anyway, I'm over it now, but yeah, that's what happened." I nodded and hugged her, but she quickly released herself from my grip.

"I'm good. I'm good. I said I'm over it now." She said with a sad smile.

"The question I have for you is why in the hell you would buy his book," she asked sternly, her eyes searching mine impatiently for answers.

I took a deep breath as I tried to ignore the sinking feeling in the pit in my stomach. "I have to tell you something. I'm so embarrassed." I said, grabbing my head with my right hand. She pulled my hand down.

Tko's Dik Dot FriendTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang