II. The Yellow Building

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Amanda and I arrived at what looked like an old abandoned school. Its' sheer size was large enough to hold over three hundred people. The premises was crawling with people – primarily drunk people. The music was blasting throughout the atmosphere—a mix of alternative rock and punk music. There were lots of gothic-looking teenagers and twenty-somethings roaming around without a care in the world.

"This is it?" Asked Amanda, her hands clutching tightly to the steering wheel, her head and eyes roaming around.

"I think so," I responded with uncertainty, but a phone call soon cleared up our doubt.

"Hello?!" I yelled into the mobile phone, not recognizing the number.

"It's Caleb!" His voice was loud as he tried to speak over the loud music.

"I'm in the yellow building! It's an old school, in case you were wondering!"

"Awesome. We just arrived!" I said.

"What!" His voice was getting louder.

"We just got here! We'll meet you shortly at the yellow building!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Cool! See you then!" I hung up the phone and rested my head on the passenger seat for a moment.

"Okay. Isn't this the weird guy you always complained about?" Amanda's tone was a solid mix of judgmental and utter confusion as she raised one arched eyebrow at me. I nodded.

"I just thought it'd be nice to attend a music festival before heading off to school," I tried to convince her as we exited her yellow coupe beetle.

"Okay." Replied Amanda with a heavy drawl.

The buildings looked old and worn. The yellow building was located smack in the middle of the other structures. Like the lead singer in a boy band, it stood out among the rest with its neon yellow hue. We walked towards the building cautiously, and Amanda and I stood out like a sore thumb. Above the knee blue denim jeans skirt and her purple also above-knee ripped denim skirt with my ruffled hem.

Amanda was soon distracted by the male attention coming our way from a bunch of guys. In an instant, she stood up straight, forcing her sizeable bosom to appear even more visible in her body-hugging pastel pink t-shirt. Her confidence was suddenly at a peak as she glanced at potential suitors with flirtatious smiles while we walked past them. On the other hand, I was in no mood to meet any new boys, especially since I was leaving Portland the very next day. My mind was still very much bothered by the news from Nathan the other day. My body suddenly shuddered for a second as we made our way into the building.

We were greeted at the door by two big and tall men dressed in all black and holding walk-talkies. Next to them was a table wrapped in a black cloth and a woman standing behind it. She wore a stern expression on her face. Square-shaped dark shades concealed her eyes from the world. "Ticket and Id's please." She demanded. I pulled out my phone and searched for the two barcodes sent by Caleb. I faced the barcodes in front of her, and she scanned both robotically. Amanda's ID was already inches away from the woman's face. I pulled out my wallet and located my ID tucked in between two cards. After a brief struggle, I pulled it out with the same excitement as a toddler. She grabbed my ID and glanced at it before proceeding to wrap an orange wristband around our wrist. "what's the difference between the orange and green wristband?" Amanda asked with eyes glued to the green ones laid across the table next to the orange. "Orange is for under 21, and green is above 21." Her voice lacked bravado. We tucked our IDs back into our purses.

"That's it. Enjoy the show." She said as she moved her gaze to the next group behind us.

"Thank you," I replied as we made our way into the building.

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