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2 Years Later

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2 Years Later

"Stand right there!"

"Baba the sun's hurting my eyes

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"Baba the sun's hurting my eyes."

"Well deal. You look hot from this angle."

"I feel hot." He mumbled.

"Watch yourself." I pointed my finger warningly, and yes I am threatening because I'm his only source of sexual relief. All he responded with was rolling eyes, and he better keep it that way too.

"Now make sure you're not covering the logo." I instructed.

He repositioned the satchel, and assumed his pose. Tristan and I graduated a year ago, although he was certainly he didn't want to continue forward with a career in the degree he did. He did seem to have amassed himself a following on social media. With a little more consistency, he started being contacted by brands marketing teams, and with that he found himself a manager, and the rest led to complementary clothes, accessories, trips and even meals. I tag along as his "photographer", experiencing all these goodies with him. It's truly been a beautiful year so far.

After a few touch ups and editing, a picture was posted to his Instagram account. Now. Fun. But every second of everyday is fun for us.

"Hey Baba?"


"How do you feel about moving to Los Angeles?" He asked, the content of the question through me off guard so I had to think a for a minute.

"It's a bit cliché don't you think?" Now that Tristan is fully independent we decided to follow up our dream to move away from London and the entire island of the UK in general. We just haven't settled in on where exactly.

"It is, but I think it would be more fitting for my line of work currently. Plus you can find yourself a job there if you want too. There are a lot people in need of therapy in the land of the loonies." He joked.

"Tristan don't say that!" I tried not to feed into his joke.

"What I offended you? Please. You know there are a lot of people moving mad there. So when you're not taking pictures of me, you can be helping them out, maybe you can help them become as strong as you." Walking up to me he placed a kiss on my forehead and hugged me. Even though it was hot and he was a little ripe and sweaty, I will never get tired of the feel I get inside when he's blessing me with affection.

"I'm up for it. Expensive but worth it, for both of us. We need to get out of Europe. Greece is nice and all but I don't think I can deal with the stench of your armpits everyday."

"Shush!" He pushed me away and sniffed himself. "It's hot but it's really not that bad."

"To you."

Tristan and I went out that night to celebrate, thinking how far we've come it safe to say we'll always have a connection deeper than love.


"Let's go." Tristan  said breaking the silence in the room.

"But he's..." I tried to speak but was cut off by Tristan again.

"Look,we need to get cleaning detergent and wipe down anything we touched. Then whip down the gun place it in his hand and leave with the cloth we used and the detergent." He stated calmly as he gripped my hands.

Jason was silent, but once Tristan called his name out he snapped out of it and we got to work cleaning everything down. Tristan used Russell's face to get into his phone, to deleted any home security footage while we were at his house. And we left back for Reading.

"We aren't going to call the police?" I asked but was met with silence. I guess they don't want to be linked to him in anyway.

Days went by, and as time went on, it got easier and easier to sleep. My mom cried for two days straight when I got home. Tristan's dad seemed to stray away from anything relating to Tristan and I, but it's obvious he see's what's going on. And while he's with my mom, he had better not come between us.


" This is a really nice view, you can see the whole of down town Los Angeles from here

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" This is a really nice view, you can see the whole of down town Los Angeles from here." Jason said as he sat down in our living room.

"Thanks man." Tristan said handing him a beer.

Oh I should probably explain.

When Tristan and I moved Jason decided he'd move a few months after. We all are connected now. We all share a secret and Jason shared all his too. So naturally a friendship and mutual respect has formed. All in all, Tristan and Jason seemed to get along pretty well after the incident. Jason although still sometimes forgets my boundaries, he respects my relationship with Tristan more. He's also dating, if you'd call it that, he seems to have a tinder date every night.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Jason asked.

"We have a reservation at Giorgio Baldi at seven. Then we've been invited to a brand party in the hills and I guess we'll see where the night takes us." I said as Tristan pulled me closer on the couch.

"Sounds fun." Jason smiled "can I bring a plus one?"

Tristan and I looked at each other and spoke in unison, " sure." Resulting in all of us laughing at ourselves.

It's interesting to see how far my life has shifted from the shy skinny boy to a slightly more confident, and happier man living his life with the man of his dreams. Seeing what it took to get here, it's hard to say I don't wish it was different, but if I could erase the past but stay in this moment, I would.

The End



This wraps up my second book on Wattpad.
Hopefully you enjoyed it.

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