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"I need to get back on campus, can you untie me please

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"I need to get back on campus, can you untie me please." I begged after a full two days of sex, drugs and more sex. I'm hungry, thirsty, tired, and sore.

"You gonna come back?" Russell asked with a light smirk on his face. He had accomplished what he set out to do.

Within the last two days his intentions were made clear. After being called a stray dog that followed him home he told me he didn't wa.t nothing to do with me, yet didn't keep his word as he allowed me to form some sort of attachment to him. He told me doesn't see himself changing his lifestyle or changing his heart for love. He brought me to his place only to scare me away from him.

But round after round after round the chains got looser until he untied my arms. His face got close enough to touch, hold and kiss, and when there wasn't energetic bursts there was love making. Passionate fucking when you remove love from the equation. We eventually moved to his room but I was still tired up. I forgot about everything important to me and for 48 hours was only consumed with him.

"Do you want me to?" I asked

"Well... If I call for you I know you're coming regardless but has your fantasy of softening the heart of a thug escaped you?" He said as he untied my legs and sat at the edge of the bed.

"No... Russell why can't you just try. You said I wasn't your type, now we've had sex enough to sustain a married couple for a year... And it's not like you didn't enjoy it. It's not like you didn't enjoy being with me"

"Piss off."

"I'm serious, you can't tell me after two whole days of having sex, kissing that you didn't enjoy those moments more than a random fuck."

"Well to be fair most of my random fucks don't begging beg me for anything else other than another random fuck."

Rushing over to him I attacked his lips. I was going to force it out of him.

"Ayyy" he exclaimed trying to get away from me but it was muffled between our lips.

He didn't pull away though, now that I was untied I could lock my arms around his neck and keep his face in reach. Straddling him, I became less aggressive, he leaned back and I followed hovering over him.

"You...see... you...do... enjoy...me." I said pecking his lips, satisfied that he isn't rejecting me. When I lifted my head he was staring at me without his usual bored expression. This time it was more so surprised mixed with confused. Looking down on him I felt like I finally was getting what I always wanted from him.

"We can never do this again." He said in a low whisper which had me thinking he was just trying to reject me.

"Why? Because you realised you like me?" I said as I tried to kiss him again but he flipped me over with ease. Getting off the bed and walking into this ensuite bathroom and I followed him.

"You need to take a shower and leave, I'll get you a uber." He said as he took out a towel for me to dry myself off with.

"Well, yeah but Russell why can't you just admit you see more with me." Within a blink of an eye I found myself against the bathroom wall with him constricting my neck.

"I don't see shit with you. You don't get that you're irrelevant in my life. You are nothing but a soft mouth to get my dick wet when I need to. That is why I've entertained you for this long. You're forgetting your place. You are a university student who buys weed from your local dealer. You already know too much about me and the dealings my career. You're going to go back on to campus and forget everything you think we ever shared." He spat, leaving me with the pit in my stomach when you're heart broken.

"Russell... Please..." I croaked pulling his arms off my neck to no success. Eventually, he threw me on the floor and walked out, leaving me the towel and a running shower.

After my shower, I walked into the bedroom to find my clothes on the bed washed and folded. When I put them on and walked downstairs Russell was in his lounge with a bowl of cereal watching an Arsenal Vs Tottenham football game.

"Make yourself food in the kitchen if you want, and tell me when you're ready to go so I can order your Uber." He said without turning away from the TV. Walking into the kitchen I made myself a bowl of rice crispy's. Warning up milk in a mug and pouring it into the bowl and added a spoonful of sugar, just as I like it. I walked back into the lounge and sat next to him on the sofa.

"There are other chairs you know." He said, sounding annoyed.

"I want to sit on this one." I said stubbornly.

After I finish my bowl I took both mine and his to the kitchen, rinsing the bowls out before putting them in his dishwasher. And walked back into the lounge, sitting right where I was before. "I'm ready." I said which resulted in him pulling out his phone.

"He'll be here in 6 minutes."


There was a silence between us as he watched his game. But I had to get my feelings out to him so he at least knows what I feel for him.

"Russell... Before we started messing around, I had only heard about you from my friends. They made you seem like the most evil human alive. Which in fairness, you do do a lot if terrible things. You run a gang, you run a drug trafficking ring which involves a lot of other terrible things. And I get that you are who you are. But when I met you, you weren't how I imagined you to be. You're handsome and low-key funny. Getting weed from you become something I enjoyed doing because I got to see you. I developed a crush. Then when we started messing around, that crush became hope. That night you pulled up next to me when I was walking back to my res from the pub, that night you let me go down on you. That was a night I felt like liking men wasn't wrong, you also helped me getting my mind off Ethan. Even though it's unspoken that nobody is to know that we have had anything. I want you to know that if you ever wanted to be with me, I would make sure to bring you happiness and love. I know you feel the same way I do. But I also know you think there's no way for us. But there's nothing wrong in trying. I mean I tried cocaine and I know I'll never be touching it again..."

His phone lit with a notification "You're Ubers here." Was all he said. I leaned in and gave him a peck on the cheek before walking out.

Russell to me is an escape from Ethan. I know I shouldn't even be messing with a dangerous character like Russell but he definitely isn't meant for the life he's living. He may be rich and powerful but he's alone. His eyes are empty. But when he has moments when he forgets who he is, they're full. If he could turn away now he'll be fine, but the way he's going he'll end up in prison or worse.


End of part I

Let me know if you'd be interested in a Russell and Jason spinoff.

This isn't the last time you'll see Russell. He'll make a few appearances in part 2 however this is goodbye to him for know.

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