Chapter 4

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I'm in the car with Jimin on our way to busan, no one's talking but its a comfortable silence, I saw a picture in his car I pick it up to see its us  and all of our friends ,I'm i  the middle of them we were so happy that time no problems no pain just enjoying the moment with each one of us, and we're happy as long as we're together

"You still keep it, Its been years when we took this photo" he look at me and smile

" Its one of the happiest memorable moment of my life that I want to treausure every moment of it, it gives me strenght to go on the days passed, by just remembering it" he said while looking straight on the road, I can tell his reminiscing that moment of our life

"Yeah one of the best" I said and look at the photo and cares it softly

"That's the last time we're complete and happy" he sadly smiled

"I missed them all of them and I missed this moment in our life"

"Do you know the best thing about a picture?  Is that it never changes even the people in it do" he said meaningfully,  he's right I could see the sincerity in our happiness, its true, while now we're all separated and changes in the process

"You're right, picture is a piece part of memory in our past and memory is priceless " I smiled to myself, I will always  treasure those moment in my heart.

Time skip

After checking the constraction , Jimin takes me to the place where we took the picture I found earlier in his car, it was our place all of us, we always visit here every summer to enjoy the view and place

"It looks different now but still pretty" I said looking around the place, there is not much people there, we sat on the bench where we always sit

" its been also years since we last went here " he said

" yeah maybe time really changes everything huh even people" I sight " now its only the two of us" I said sadly

"Y/n.. if you don't like where you are now move, your not a tree, don't allow someone to treat you poorly just because you love them, look  at you I can't stand seeing you like this you aren't the same anymore " he said looking straight into my eyes, I know his right but what can I do I can't just give up I alraedy went throught a lot not just to give up easily without a proper fight, and I can't  just give up not now when I can almost reach him again

" Jimin I know its too good to be true, the day he came back I tought it will be the start that everything will get better, I maybe happy he come back but you know deep inside me nothing change or it even get worst and it making me loose my mind" I said with teary eyes he rub my back to comforted me

" Shhhh.. I didn't bring you here to cry, I bring you here to smile remembering the good times only, don't think any problems right now just think that after this struggle we could go back on how happy we was before, I don't want to see you cry" he said looking directly at me, while I just look down then he cupped my face by his both hands and wipe my tears

"Fine  how about we go and eat I saw a new restaurant on our way here lets go and full our self, foods makes you feel better" he smiled softly at me, he's trying to brighten up my mood and I don't want to let him down , he's doing so much for me already, I smiled at him and nodded my head.

It's already midnight when we reach home jimin went out the car and I followed and went out

" you should go back home now it's pretty late" i said first

" i'll go after you go inside" he said to me i went to him and hug him

" ok then good night drive back safe ok? Thanks for today chim, you made me feel better" I said and pulled from the hug

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