First Time In 5 Years Part 2

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While I flew with Eren, Armin, Mina, Samuel, and one other person. An abnormal was coming up and we had to move to one side and onto a roof. We were all there but one.

We looked over and we saw that Samuel was being eaten! After one last look, he was down the Titan's throat. Eren started flying after it and everyone wanted me to do something. I commanded Armin, Mina, and the others to stay as I went after Eren.

I flew from rooftop to rooftop trying to get my friend, but his leg was bitten off and he fell as I went onto a rooftop across from him. I knew I had to do something. There were three Titans: 2 in front of me and one a way's away. I ran towards the one that was a way's away and jumped to the rooftops across from me to get to Eren. I flew and went to him, but he was already getting grabbed by a Titan!

I had to hurry up and save him, but it was too late. The Titan ate him and I failed as a friend a sergeant. "Eren! No!"

I had to get back to Mina and the others and I was able to. I told them that Eren was eaten and there was nothing I could do to save him. I thought it was my responsibility to tell Mikasa what happened, but I have to wait until she came over.

Later on while it was raining, Mikasa found us, but I was dreading the way she'll respond if I tell her that Eren didn't make it. "(Y/N)!" I saw her and she was running up to me and before I knew it, she hugged me. What was going on? Is it her feelings for me as I had some for her? Could be.

"Where's Eren?" "Mikasa, he got eaten. I wasn't there to save him. It was my fault." I squatted down and looked down. I was holding back my tears, but she put her hand on my shoulder to have me face her. She looked cute, really. No, not cute, more like adorable.

"Calm yourself (Y/N). We'll have time to mourn." She stood me up and started walking to the edge of the rooftop. "Marco, if we eliminate or bypass the Titans at HQ, we can there refuel our gear, allowing us to get over the wall. Is that correct?"

Marco was answering Mikasa and while I was trying to calm myself, he simply said "Well, Uh yeah I guess so, sure. But there's just too many of them out there, even with you on point, especially (Y/N)."

What an act of cowardice. I had to speak up because after all, I'm supposed to lead this goddamn group! "We can do it."

Marco gasped with the others, and Mikasa in particular. She might be impressed by what I'm trying to do, but I'm not doing it for attention. I'm trying to grow up and be a grown-ass man while killing these titans.

"Whether we have strength or not, we have to pull through. If I can't get to HQ, then the titans are gonna have to kill me, unless if I win, I live, and the only way to live is to fight. And to fight, you gotta be like me. And to be like me, you gotta have the guts to die yourselves, if you have them."

I noticed that Bertholt was hiding behind Reiner, but he wasn't trying to be a wimp. He just had trouble with confidence, which is something that was happening over and over at the training grounds a couple years ago.

After that little speech, I flew away as everyone started feeling motivated. I don't mind being a leader because if these guys can fight against the titans, then I can too. Soon after leaving the rooftops and try flying to the HQ. After using some gas to speed up so we could get to the HQ, somehow I'm out of gas and landed on a Titan's nape! This is bad and if I die here then so be it. "(Y/N)!" Mikasa grabbed me, puts me on her back and we flew away until she too was out of gas, falling in an alleyway.

I should be mad at her for not checking the tubes before we left the rooftops, but at the same time she could be hurt, so I gotta check on her.

"Mikasa!", I yelled as I ran to Mikasa to check on her. "You okay?" "I'm fine thanks." She was thinking about something as I had to defend her from this fucking Titan! As she thought of something, the Titan walked towards us, looking to eat us. I got in front of Mikasa, looking to defend her, but she had to say this of all things.

"It was a good life." "Wait! What the hell are you talking about?!" The Titan reached out its hand to grab Mikasa but I intercepted by slicing off the fingers, in a result of having the other arm crash but sends us both back. It happened again, but Mikasa and fly backwards from the Titan as I went one way and while she's a ways away. I had to see if she's really okay because when I looked closer, her head was busted open!

"MIKASA! I came running to help her up, but there was a Titan behind us and I knew we have to get out of here before we're killed. "We have to get to higher ground. If we don't, we're good as dead!" "Eren." Eren's dead Mikasa! He's gone!" "I'm sorry, Eren. I'm through giving up. I'll never give up again. Because if I die, these memories of you die with me. That's why we'll do whatever it takes to win."

Mikasa grabbed her sword in a charge position and yelled for some reason before the Titan behind her and I attacked the other Titan about to grab us both, as we jump and hurt ourselves a bit, but we had to get up fast. "What the fuck was that!" The Titan then proceeded to kill the Titan it's fighting until it somehow went for the weak spot: the nape! "(Y/N), are you seeing this? That Titan, he's... he's killing the other one!" "I see it alright, but let's get the fuck out of this place before more show up!"

Just as I said that, someone grabbed Mikasa and I and threw us onto the rooftop with Conny?! I thought the others were dead! "Mikasa! (Y/N)! Are you okay?"
"Are you guys alright?" "Yeah", Armin said as Conny replied, "Then we better get outta here! Aw crap. Two fifteen meter Titans!" I had to intervene because the one that Mikasa and I saw was different, but she was my number one priority. Her head is busted open and there's blood pouring down the side of her face. "I wouldn't go too far Conny! See where my finger is pointing?" "Yeah? So?" "That one's different." Armin looked at the exposed skeleton of the Titan that was killed, and my God, he was actually in absolute disbelief. "How?"

The two titans roared at each other until they fought, resulting in the other Titan getting killed by the abnormal Titan going for the nape once more! "It-- It finishes it off. He knew where the weak spot was!" Conny was still not convinced because he wasn't with Mikasa and I when it saved us from the other Titan, to which we need to explain it to him. "Come in guys! Time to split! Last thing we need is him coming our way!"

"No, hold on Cueball." I thought I heard Mikasa actually snickering at the little joke that I was playing until I had to get serious. "He has no reaction to us. Any other Titan would have been on top of us right now!"

Mikasa seemed to get an idea of what I'm talking about because it's now going after another Titan! "It seemed to understand the skill of hand to hand combat. What is that thing?"

Conny, like always, just had to deny it. "Just chalk it up as another abnormal! Hell, they're always full of surprises, right?" "You're not wrong, Conny." "Well, let's get out of here!" Saved by the last millisecond, Armin had said something about our tanks being out. "Wait a minute! Mikasa and (Y/N)'s tanks are empty!" "Huh? What are we gonna do?! We can't clear HQ without your help! There's only one thing to do."

Armin kneeled and starts to replace his almost empty tubes with Mikasa's, but I had to step in because she's hurt and when we get to HQ, I have to bandage her up. "No. let me take them. Mikasa can hold onto my back." "(Y/N)! No! Let me take them!" "You got your head busted open and I'm not gonna let you get killed. Save your energy. That's an order." Whatever you say." Soon enough, Armin replaced his gas tubs with mine as he grabbed a small blade. "Alright, it's functional now. And I restocked your blades. Just leave me this one, okay? It's just that I'd have this be my end, not being eaten alive." Then, you couldn't believe it, Mikasa took the blade out of Armin's hand and threw it off the roof.

"Why?! Why'd you?!" Mikasa grabbed Armin's hand and said this, "Armin. We will not leave you behind." I helped him up to his feet as the four of us looked at the hand to hand combat Titan, but what was he? Are there any more like him? We've never heard of a Titan killing another Titan. No one has, but it struck a cord in Mikasa for some reason. Something so familiar and so primal.

A Scout's Journal (Attack On Titan X Male Reader)[DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora