Start from the beginning

"Been there, done that." She mumbled under her breath, her voice low enough for Regulus not to hear.

"Do you remember our strategy?" Regulus demanded, turning to look at her. Callisto tilted her head to the side, confusion written all of her face.

"We have a strategy?" The boy glared at her and realization dawned upon her as she remember the stack of papers Regulus had given her when they returned back to the Slytherin Common Room. What Regulus didn't know, was that she hadn't even bothered to open them as she got too caught up in a game of Wizarding chess with Narcissa. "Oh yes! Yes, I did study it. Don't fret over it, little Black. We're going to make their asses match their house colors."

"That's the spirit!" No, it really wasn't; Callisto thought as her feet dragged on the ground. She should be in her bed, talking with Narcissa while mentally preparing herself for the upcoming DADA lesson next morning, instead of arguing with a bunch of testosterone-stuffed blokes about whose dick was bigger.

They finally approached the Black Lake, the outline of two figures becoming clearer as the moonlight washed over them. Callisto could make out Carter pacing back and forth and probably talking to himself as the second guy sat on the ground with his back against the tree. Carter nudged the boy and he reluctantly stood up, before the two Gryffindors rushed over to meet the Slytherin in the middle.

"Wait! Those are the dickholes you were talking about?" Remus exclaimed as he saw Callisto staring back at him with an equally shocked expression on her features.

"Hey! That's sexist!" She blurted out, crossing her arms under her chest. "And right now, I'm really thankful I changed clothes..."

"Do not fraternize with the enemy, Claire!" Regulus hissed, smacking the back of her head. Callisto huffed angrily, before turning to Remus and waving lightly at him. The gesture was reciprocated, only to be cut short when Carter saw him and stepped on his foot.

Remus shook his head, "I'm not fighting Callisto."

"Scared, Lupin?" She taunted, rotating the wand teasingly between her fingers. Remus' head snapped towards her, his eyebrows furrowed together as he saw the mocking look in her eyes.

"You wish."

"Okay, this is enough!" Carter intervened angrily. "Let's end this now! Claire, if you want to leave I suggest you do it now because I won't hesitate to make a pretty girl like you cry."

"That's some tough talk from a fella with a small cock, buddy" Callisto fired back, smirking at the anger flashing in his eyes. Remus shot a disgusted look at Carter, mentally noting to go after his three friends after the duel finished for convincing him to do this. Truth be told, he really hadn't wanted to fight with Callisto up until she had challenged him. He'd much rather hex Carter than her. "Can we just be done with this because I have DADA tomorrow?"

"What the lady said." Remus agreed.

"Don't go easy on him." Regulus whispered, nudging her shoulder. Callisto rolled her eyes at the statement, not knowing if she should feel offended by the fact that Regulus would think something like that in the first place.

"Hey Cartwheel! Aren't we supposed to have an objective third party or something?"

"Yes, but nobody likes Carter, so it's unfair for us." Remus clarified, not bothering to look at Carter glaring at him.

"On the count of three!" Carter exclaimed, raising his wand against Regulus. "3...2...1"

"Is anyone going to tell him that this is not on the count of three or- holy shit, Lupin! I thought you liked me!" Callisto exclaimed as a curse almost hit her leg. Remus chuckled, easily deflecting the hex she directed at him, while Regulus and Carter had already started shouting loudly with each spell.

Remus and Callisto distanced themselves from the pair, in order to avoid getting hit by a stray curse and continued on their duel. It pained her to admit it, but Remus was really good. Unlike her, Remus had a very broad variety of spells that ranged from simple jinxes to curses she'd never heard of before. One in particular, almost knocked her on the tree next to them, hadn't it been for her ducking just on time.

"That's all you got, Lupin?" She taunted, before she shot a stunning spell at him. "I expected more from you."

"The feeling is mutual, Listo." He answered, the thrill of the duel getting to him. Maybe he wouldn't chase after his friends after all. "Confundo!"

"Protego!" She shouted, the curse breaking the shield. "Normally, it'd be flattering to know that you can't find it in your heart to fight me properly, but right now, it's kind of a coward move."

"You're all bark and no bite." He mused, deflecting yet another one of her curses easily. "There's a reason I'm helping you in DADA."

As if on cue, a curse hit her and she stumbled back, barely having the time to support herself on the tree. All air seemed to have been knocked out of her lungs when she felt the tip of Remus' wand poking her chin. Her body was stuck on the trunk firmly as Remus stood right in front of her with one hand pressed right next to her face. Her eyes narrowed as she took notice of the satisfied smirk on his lips. He was hovering over her, their bodies almost touching as she tried her hardest not to glance down on his lips again. A rush was running through her and the worst part wasn't that she couldn't distinguish if it was because of the adrenaline or because of him standing that close to her. No, the worst part was that she didn't want him to move a single inch further away from her. Every cell in her body was screaming for her to do something as the wand didn't leave from her chin. Instead, she found herself getting lightheaded from the oddly familiar scent radiating off him.

Chocolate. Old books. His cologne.

"You lost." He simply stated, his voice snapping her back to reality. A wave of embarrassment mixed with anger hit her, overcoming the thoughts swarming in her head. No, she hadn't lost yet. She leaned in, her hand clutching the fabric of his shirt as their lips stayed inches apart. Remus smirk faltered at their close proximity, his eyes slipping down her pink lips before he looked back into her eyes. His voice seemed to hitch in his throat, not that his fuzzy mind was going to allow him to utter proper words. All other thoughts seemed to drown, the only one staying above the surface screaming at him to close the distance between them.

Their lips had barely brushed when she pushed him back on the tree trunk, standing in front of him in the same way he had. The young Gryffindor almost cursed in frustration as reality hit him in the head.

"No... You lost."

~ ~ ~
So, what do you think up to now? I will be uploading rather frequently since I have a bunch of chapters written already.
Please comment and vote on the story if you enjoy it. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

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