I'll keep you safe (requested)

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You groaned as you reached Jisoo's voicemail once more. You shoved your phone back in your pocket and pulled your hoodie over your head before you started to walk home.

Jisoo was supposed to be picking you up from work tonight.

You wouldn't be able to leave until close to nine and Jisoo was just going to stay in the studio with the girls and get some stuff done but promised she'd be there before you even got out.

She must've gotten caught up in the studio because you waited around for fifteen minutes just waiting for her.

You called her a few times, but you always got her voicemail, and the last time it didn't even ring, it just took you to the same place.

You just wanted to get home. You're tired and the air was a little chilly, so you just wanted to go home and crawl under the covers to relax after your long and busy day.

You walked with your head up and continued to check your surroundings, just to always make sure you were safe with every step you took.

You crossed the street and pulled your phone out from your pocket to check the time.

It'd been about ten minutes already since you began your descent home, it would only be about ten more until you finally got inside, safe and sound.

Suddenly, you heard what sounded like feet stepping on some of the crunchy leaves that had fallen onto the ground.

Your heart began to beat faster in your chest but you tried to brush it off as someone just taking the same route as you to get wherever they had to go.

You crossed another street and you heard the sound of footsteps on the sidewalk still following behind you. You increased your pace. You're not far from home now and all you wanted to do was get there as quickly as you could.

As you walked faster, you heard the person behind you do the same and there was no doubt in your mind at that point that someone was following you.

You thought about running but before you even got the chance, you heard the sound of a deep voice yelling out for you not to take another step.

Your heart was pounding, your palms were sweating, and your hands were shaking. You heard their feet on the ground and before you knew it, you could feel their breath tickling your neck.

You thought maybe they'd attempt to rob you, that they'd take your things or just your money and your credit cards.

But you heard what sounded like a gun cocking and a shiver ran down your spine.

Before you could take a step, let out a scream for help, or plead for them not to hurt you, there was this loud sound coming from around you.

The indescribable pain took you down to the ground instantly and then hit you yet again as it happened once more and although you were struggling to breathe, you managed to yell out for help at the top of your lungs.

You saw a few porch lights turn on and you felt a little relief knowing people had heard your screams and pleas for help.

You heard the sound of the trigger being ready to be pulled and you prepared yourself for the terrifying pain and sound again.

But then, you heard screams from people nearby, yelling out that the police had been called.

And whoever had hurt you before was about to hurt you yet again, but they couldn't, as nothing came out this time.

They cursed under their breath and ran off into the distance and you heard people running to you, begging for you to stay awake as they tried to stop your bleeding and promised that help would be there soon.

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