Golden Ratio! Edgar HCs

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*-You know how he slowly turns into gold whenever he draws, which is ironic- (since using the red Philosopher's Stone is supposed to turn stone into gold, not the person itself-)

*-My Golden Ratio version would be that he lives for many years and can be revived whenever being entirely turned into gold, like how a genie finishes fulfilling the three wishes and reappears when someone else unleashes them from the bottle.

*-Sadly, that means he can't die unless he figured out how to break the cycle of turning into gold and get revived-

*-Once he gets aware that his body is almost gold, he had to make sure that his resurrections are not witnessed by anyone, someone may take advantage of him turning into a golden statue for a few hours-

*-He had to be in a secret place before entirely turn into gold-

*-He has been mistaken as a girl multiple times before. (bc of the slim figure and the back window-)

*-Electrolysis made fun of him once about it, and ended up getting tangled by Ratio's plant roots-

*-I feel like when he appeared from the building's ceiling, it was to make a dramatic entrance and he wouldn't look too short comparing to the other people down there- my thoughts X'DD

*-Ratio doesn't like to be around dusty places, they would often make him sneeze-

*-Whenever he sneezes, the sneeze wasn't quite nor loud as golden sparkles would appear in his face.

*-You may often see him as a very serious person, not someone to joke around with...

*-He can be a little bit cold and keeps his toes on the ground.

*-There's barely difference between him and his default, Ratio is merely much fancier and has 'magical' abilities-Another difference is that Golden ratio doesn't crave for lost inspiration.

*-He didn't need to eat food, but you often saw him drinking Earl Grey tea while floating or standing somewhere in the building.

*-Ratio usually uses British sayings, mostly to himself out of frustration or annoyance.

*-He would often show high-class etiquette, but he had to lower his vocabulary for some people who can merely understand average terms-

*-But if he ever has a S/O, you may see his tiny smiles as he converses casually with his beloved.

*-Cough cough, bipolar, cough cough-

*-Ratio never displayed affection in public, but there were times he would place his normal hand on your shoulder as he holds his paintbrush with his golden hand.He always kept the real affection behind closed doors ;3

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