Sleeping with Naib HCs

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{Header via Identity V Official Twitter}{Headcanons/Scenarios}{Gender Neutral! S/O}

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

{Header via Identity V Official Twitter}
{Gender Neutral! S/O}


-Some people think that he's a heavy sleeper and snores(if no one read his background-).

-But in my HCs, he sleeps silently and would often wake up by the lightest noises- always putting his defensive mode on.

-After all, when you're part of a military. You usually have to share a room with your fellow soldiers and never disturb their important time to sleep-

-If your snore, it's his choice to get used to it or sleep on the coach.

-Yay, more space for you! :D

-Yet, there's one thing-

-He moves a lot, and drools a little.

-Naib may not disturb with snores, but he would lightly smack your hand on your face unconsciously or place a leg on your torso-

-That's another problem... 😅

-But the sweet thing is that you both had no problem sleeping together when taking short naps, or even while sitting. Naib won't move a lot until a hour or two passes by.

-Naib tend to let your head rest on one of his arms like a pillow- (His biceps were somehow comfortable to sleep on X'D)

-You'll often feel his breath on the back of your neck- he liked to spoon you from behind.

-He would usually wake up earlier for morning strolls, so seeing you sleep peacefully made him satisfied... Knowing that you're safe and happy with him.

"Sleep well, my love..."

-If you ever woke up earlier than him, it's worth it to see his sleeping face,,, He looked like a peaceful, giant baby. 🥺✨

-Kissies on your forehead before continuing his routine like a wild ape,,,


-Of course, he didn't want to disturb his darling's sleep, so he first came out of the shared room sneakily as a ninja...

-And go back to being wild.


IDV One-Shot/Scenarios! {2020} حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن