Embrace! Victor, Exorcist! Aesop, & Narcissus! Edgar Fighting Over S/O

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Embrace! Victor, Exorcist! Aesop, & Narcissus! Edgar Fighting Over S/O

{Icons/Pics via Official Identity V Twitter}{Gender Neutral! S/O}{Note: In the hcs, Embrace! Victor is an overlord vampire, Narcissus! Edgar is a professor in a girl school, while Exorcist! Aesop is a private exorcist

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{Icons/Pics via Official Identity V Twitter}
{Gender Neutral! S/O}
{Note: In the hcs, Embrace! Victor is an overlord vampire, Narcissus! Edgar is a professor in a girl school, while Exorcist! Aesop is a private exorcist. Which is obvious-}

♥️-Handling 3 handsome, unique gentlemen-
♥️-What would it go wrong?
♥️-Especially when they fight a lot over you....
♥️-At least they were quite wrapped around your finger, they literally would do anything for you. 🥺
♥️-The sun would shine so bright above them when you get near them, but mostly when Edgar was around. X'D
♥️-For some reason, a room would get much brighter when Edgar enters it.
♥️-His atmosphere was much powerful and intimidating as the other two men.
♥️-Sadly, Victor couldn't be allowed to go out of his palace during daylight.
♥️-But the time when he went to his balcony with you to see the sunrise, seeing him with the yellowish-orange sky shining behind him was one of the most beautiful sceneries you would ever see. qwq
♥️-Aesop was frequently out at night to work, he sometimes could not let you tag along due to personal reasons or because it was physically dangerous for you.
♥️-He cared for your safety, especially when humans and monsters were having a war-
♥️-You four did not share a bedroom.
♥️-As much as they craved to sleep beside you, they just didn't want to be in the same room as the others.
♥️-Nor even breath in the same air as them....
♥️-Edgar had to stay in the "Lone Moon Girl's School". It was much easier for him to reach a bed to sleep on since Victor's palace is 2 hours of carriage ride away from where he works.
♥️-You had moved to Victor's palace to stay with him.
♥️-Aesop then decided to stay there as well to watch over you if Victor tries to do anything to you-

Aesop// Y/N, don't get too close to Victor! He may love you, but he is a murderous overlord himself-
Y/N // Aesop, I know.
Y/N // But Vic is a baby boy too- :Oc
Victor// I'm not...-

♥️-Victor likes to be pampered with affection and low-key adores when you call him a cutie sometimes, but there are times you should take him seriously as a man. 😅
♥️-Embrace is a little more talkative, confident and mischievous than his default.
♥️-He would turn from a precious, baby boy to a scary, satanic man once anyone attempts to harass or harm you,,,,
♥️-Victor was a vampire who did not have sunlight as his enemy, it loved him.
♥️-But it still didn't change the fact that he needed to drink dead animal blood, in order to maintain his strength.
♥️-You once insistently offered some of your blood to him by storing them in blood bags, he would accept them but he always reminded you that he shouldn't use his lovely darling as a food source.
♥️-That made Edgar and Aesop very overprotective towards you around  Victor-
♥️-The atmosphere between the three men was quite tense-
♥️-Aesop loathed Edgar and Victor a lot. He always sussed them as he assumed the other two were hiding their own dark secrets-
♥️-Edgar did not dared to argue with Victor, but he did not trust him for being inhuman. He often argued with Aesop instead.
♥️-Victor disliked fighting with them and attempted his best to not get into deep conflict with them by sneaking away as they argue- (which was always effective for him 😌✨)
♥️-Seeing them not get along made you think that it was you who was the cause of the trouble...
♥️-You tried to ask them individually about it.


Y/N // Am I a trouble for you three...?Victor sat up from his office chair as he heard your question.
Victor// No, no, love! You are a miracle... A beautiful miracle.
Victor// ...We just need some time to accept our differences. No need to be very concerned for us!

Embrace pecked your nose affectionately. He  brushed your hair with his fingers as he hold you in his lap.

Victor// I love you... I'll always remind you that.


Y/N // ... Am I a trouble for you three, Edgar...?

You paid a visit to Edgar's classroom. He was still eyeing on the student papers he needed to check. He was always busy in his work.

Edgar// Do not talk rubbish, Y/N. We can talk about that during my lunch time-
Y/N // I'm serious, Eddy...

In response, he sighed as he detained himself from what he was doing for a moment. He looked at you from his desk and leaned on his hand with his chin.

Edgar// Notably, you don't have anything to do with why we don't get along...

Narcissus gestured you to sit next to him. As you sat on the spare chair, he placed his hand on yours and intertwined them  slowly. He then looked at you, with a gentle smile this time.

Edgar// So don't get any weird ideas, beautiful. Is too unhealthy for your heart.


Y/N // Am I a-

As if Aesop already knew what you were up to by the look on your face. He monotonously but gently cut you off.

Aesop// I already know your question.
Aesop// The answer is a big, fat, no.

He lowered down his case near the entrance and focused on you again as he took off his mask.

Aesop// Come here, so I can give you a kiss before I depart to work-

♥️-You now knew that you weren't the reason of their conflict, but it quite concerned you that it may keep up in the future...


You heard muffled noises that seemed to be outside your room. You slightly rubbed you eyes as you just woke up from your sleep, you looked at your clock from the white nightstand: 5 A.M.

'Why were these three awake yet...? And arguing at this hour...?'

You walked out of your room and opened the giant, bedroom doors. You silently approached to see Victor watching Aesop and Edgar frustratingly arguing about something. Victor seemed to already acknowledge your presence and looked at you with a sympathetic smile. He was holding Wick, Victor pet him and placed him down for a moment. The dog made his way towards Victor's room. 
You slowly walked towards the overlord to wrap his arms around him from behind. Unconscious, you let out a small yawn. He responded you by placing a hand on your arms and rubbing them gently with his thumb.

Victor// Forgive us for waking you from your sleep, my darling... These two can't merely stop arguing about you...-

Victor turned around to face you and placed his gloved hands over your cheeks, caressing your dark circles slowly as he stared at you with guilt.

Edgar// For a person who possesses an unusual profession and bizarre traits, how were you able to get romantically interested in Y/N...?
Aesop// For someone who hides secrets and educate young girls... What makes you very interested in them...? Are you some pervert?
Edgar// Ah- you're underestimating me and my career! I love them, I wouldn't lay a hand on them in such vulgar way you're describing-
Aesop// Of course.
Aesop// you wouldn't dare to do so around my dead body.

As you and Victor watch them argue more from afar, the Embrace decided to let you sleep in his room instead since you couldn't be able to go back to yours. After Victor easily helped you escape from the scene, you linked Victor's arm with yours as he calmly guided you towards his room. He opened the door for you, so you can enter first.
But once you got in and Victor helped you get in the bed covers, Victor went towards the door.

Y/N // ... You won't sleep with me...?
Victor// I'm sorry, love...
Victor// But I need to make your two mortal lovers to go back to bed or they'll end up being exhausted at work.
Y/N // I understand...
Victor// Sweet dreams, my darling.
Y/N // Good night.

And then, Victor blew an air kiss as he closed the door quietly. You slowly returned to your slumber.

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