Emile Relationship HCs

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Header via Identity V Official Twitter{Headcanons/Scenarios}Gender Neutral! S/O

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Header via Identity V Official Twitter
Gender Neutral! S/O


*-Emile loved to hold hands with you.

*-He viewed the world as a huge maze to get lost in- holding hands with you whenever you both travel, made him feel secured and less scared about the unknown.

*-He was half-blind due to the 'eye treatment' he received from the doctors- So he would trip or bump into furnitures once in a while.

*-He suffered a lot through headaches, you often do all your best to get many ways to treat his problem properly.

*-Emile surprisingly could cope with minor pain when bumping into something, you would see him get surprised but recover quickly with his usual cat smile-

*-If he trips and gets a slight painful scratch, he won't cry- He will still smile and tell you that the impact wasn't severe.

*-You'll have to get used to it once you both are together. :3c❤️

Emile// *bumps into an empty shelf quite harshly*

Emile// !!! :O

Emile// ... :0

Y/N // Are you alright...?-

Emile// Yes! :3


*-Emile was quite a dependent person, but he wished to prove you that he can also be independent in some ways! Such as how he managed to keep up by himself at the beginning of a match-

*-He once tried to cook breakfast for you, but it didn't work and ended up burning the pan-

*-You were able to help him lower the fire and comforted him as he whimpered in defeat... qwq

Emile// I failed... q-q

Y/N // No, you didn't, dear. That's how the first times are like-

Y/N // Actually, you did much better than Luca-

Emile// R-Really...? ó-ò

Y/N // Yeah, he nearly burned the entire kitchen in his first try-

*-If you know how to cook, you would teach him how to prepare ingredients, wash them, cut them, and then cook them-

*-It would be a very fun experience when two people help each other with cooking, after all! nwnEmile preferred to be the little spoon, but he also found it lovely to spoon you with affection,,, uwu

*-He had a strange ability that he can hear you from afar whenever you mention him-(impossible, but I want to make things funny anyway-)

*-Emile often followed you behind when you guide him to places or you would walk next to each other, hand in hand, when taking a stroll through familiar areas.

*-You do activities together to spend the time or get you both busy.

*-For therapy reasons, you both usually played piece puzzle games and put the complete puzzle in a frame as if it's a trophy or a memory item.

*-Emile sometimes wanted to be a little childish and play phone calls with you using a long string connecting 2 metal cans, it's much better than using electric phones-

*-IMAGINE- Building pillow forts with Emile and snuggle together,,, qwq✨

*-He sometimes copied what you do, as if you were an influence.

*-If you share your food with him, he'll share his snacks with you. owoIf you take a nap, he would sometimes take a nap beside you as well. úwù

*-If you stun a hunter with a gun, he'll do the same- (uh oh- qwq)

*-Emile is your little meow meow, and I'm not wrong-It's a fact. Muehehehe! >:3c

*-Emiles didn't like to be touched in the face by anyone.

*-It was annoying that doctors had tried to do things with his face-

*-But if it's you and if you always caress him gently as if his head is a fragile ceramic-

*-He'll cherish your touch and will crave for it, it's like a small therapy to him,,, uwu

*-His favorite spots to kiss were the cheeks, the nose, and the forehead.He often did the bunny kiss with you, booping your nose with his in a cute manner,,,

*-Emile loved to play with your hands whenever he holds them- he often got distracted by the edges and the size of it.

*-I can imagine a moment where you blew a kiss in his direction, and he kinda clapped his hands together as if he was trying to catch your kiss with a happy smile,,, omg- 🥺💕💘

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