Desolate Sand! Andrew with S/O who sacrifices their safety for him

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Desolate Sand! Andrew with S/O who sacrifices their safety for him

{Header via Identity V Official Twitter}
{Gender Neutral! S/O}
{Note: Requested by an Anonymous from Tumblr. The HCs are taken place on an AU I kind of made it up based on the Season 10 Essence 1- make sure to watch the trailer animation to refresh your memory!}

💛-You were a local waiter, or a waitress at the dried town's bar. You go by the alias of "Rare Gem".
💛-Everyday customers called you that, as you were very different from other town residents. A persistent one- Yet, you had a gentle but powerful persona.
💛-It was a great perk up, since you were able to deliver beverage orders smoothly as you talked with customers like they're your friends. Some of them seemed to take fond of you.
💛-No matter if they are quite rude- You would respond back with your silver tongue, and always leaving someone speechless and no way to argue back... Giving you the last laugh.
💛-That was one of the things Andrew admired you for.

You were proceeding with your job as usual, until a man entered the bar on a sunny Wednesday. You didn't dare to turn around out of curiosity, but everyone looked at him... Whether by annoyance, malice, or by the man's intimidation.The bizarre man seemed to stand out of the customers, his hair is white as some of his items that were attached to him shined in gold. Which were attracting a lot of people who crave for gold.... Half of his face was covered by a brown fabric, so you couldn't see his facial features entirely at that moment.
The strange thing was that he was also holding a golden shovel with him.
You had never seen him before, so you assumed that he was new in the town.
After he sat on a stool with a far distance away from the other customers, you approached him quietly from the stand to take his order.

"You seem new here, it must be a long journey... Isn't it?"

The man heard your gentle voice out of the loud voices from the crowd that were filling the bar. Quite strange to hear such silky voice on a rough, dry place like this....
He looked at your figure from the corner of his eyes for a moment, his expression is quite unreadable by his mouth scarf. After knowing that he won't respond your question, you smiled again and asked for his order.

"What would you like to order, fine sir?"

The unknown gentleman merely looked at you as his deep, west accent voice was heard, clear enough for you to hear.

"A water refill."
"Ah, yes. I'll bring you the jug."

After giving him your signature smile, your boots quickly tapped the old, wooden floor as you entered the kitchen.
You handed the water to the man so he can refill it himself, knowing that people doesn't like anyone touch their own flask these days. There had been a lot of robbery lately...
Before you could even ask the man for his name, he immediately disappeared with his water flask in hand.
You thought he was an odd one... He started to visit the bar every evening for the usual water refill. You even noticed how uninterested he looked when a cowboy at the bar asked him to work with him, offering to share the gold.
When you talked to other customers as he was around, you would acknowledge him looking at you in the corner of his eyes. As if you knew what he wanted from you, you started to talk to him as well. You were not concerned about his presence like the others, despite not knowing what he's thinking....
After a few weeks of seeing him, he started to respond some of your questions concisely. He merely told you his alias so far...

IDV One-Shot/Scenarios! {2020} Where stories live. Discover now