Chapter 11: Kidnapped

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Michael's POV

It's been a while since Alex left maybe I should go check on her. I walked to the entrance of the club and she wasn't there. I got outside to see nothing no sign of her anywhere. Then I saw a guy who looked like he was waiting on someone.

"Hey have you seen a girl go by here?" I asked.

"Yeah bunch of them be more specific." He retorted.

"A medium height girl black dress dark brown hair beautiful eyes-" He cut me off.

"Yeah yeah she was pulled into some limo." He said.

"What color was this limo?" I asked.

"Dark black."

Oh no I believe that's Hank's limo. I have to help her. I ran to my car to get to the palace.

Alex's POV

I woke up in a dark room. There was no light whatsoever.

"Hello?" I called out.

Light flooded into the room to reveal that I was chained to a bed. I looked up to see an amused Hank smiling at me.

"My dear you're finally awake." He said in a sweet tone.

"Why am I here?" I said through clenched teeth.

"Why this is your new home my queen." He said with a smirk playing across his face.

"I'm not your wife." I said with a gaze that burned.

"Ah that's just a formality my dear." He sat on the bed inches away from me.

"Let. Me. Go." I said word by word spitting out venom.

"Hmmm no how about I do this instead." He leaned in and kissed me.

I was going to push him of, but my hands were tied literally. My next option was to kick him. When I did he grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist. He finally pulled away when a guard knocked on the door.

"Ugh. We will continue this later." With that he walked out the door.

I had to get out of here so I started melting the cuffs with my laser eyes.

Michael's POV

I walked in the palace asking for Hank. He walked through the door and he looked unhappy.

"Yes Michael." He said.

"Has Alex come by here by any chance I've been calling her and she won't respond." I said in an innocent tone.

"Nope afraid not I'm sorry." He replied in an sad tone with a hint of amusement.

"Ok I'll just go to my room." I trudged down the hall.

Hank started walking away and I followed him. He went into his room and said,"Now where were we?"

Alex was in that room.

Alex's POV

Hank walked back in the room and immediately started kissing me again. Thankfully a guard said he had some things to do and Hank left. I sighed and pulled the cuffs off. Yes I had them loose enough,but then Hank came in. I got up and changed my clothes. I was in my leather again, and I was much more comfortable. I walked to the door and it flew open to reveal Michael.

"Michael!" I jumped in his arms and hugged him.

"Alex." He whispered my name.

"You came to save me?" I asked I was overjoyed.

"Yes I will always be here for you. We need to get out of here. Did he hurt you?" The words spilled out of his mouth.

"No he just assaulted my lips." He laughed.

"Let's go." He said.

"Wait we need to go out the window." I said.

"What we will die." He looked at me like I was crazy.

"No we won't trust me." I grabbed his hand.

We jumped out the window and I made us stop right before we hit the ground. We turned and landed on our feet. Michael opened his eyes.

"H-How did we not die?" He said.

"That's not important we need to get to the house."

I got on a motorcycle and hot-wired it quickly and we drove off. We arrived at the house. We got off the bike and went in the living room. I called Skyler to tell her where we were.

"Alex is there something you're not telling me?" He asked quietly.

This was the moment I either tell him and trust him with my biggest secret,or I lie my way out of this.

"Michael I have to tell you that-"

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