Chapter 3:Dragon's Fire

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2 YEARS LATER(present day)
"Alright Skyler do you have the security down yet?" I asked while getting a little annoyed.
She looked at me,"Would you expect anything less of me Alex?"
Her face was smug I rolled my eyes and turned towards Pan'tar,"Ready to fight?"
Her face turned into an evil grin,"Stop yapping and let's go."
We ran into the building when two guards looked at us Pan'tar and I had no choice but to fight. I raised my hand and the dark haired guard flew to the wall. He started squirming and called for the red haired guard to help him, but unfortunately he was on the ground already. Pan'tar had already killed him,"Hurry up Alex we don't have all day."
Recognition crossed his face,"You're the leaders of the rebels?"
I rolled my eyes they always say the same thing,"No I'm just a look-alike DUH we are the leaders now I need your card key."
"T-Take it! Take anything just don't hurt me." he desperately cried.
"Thank you. Hmm maybe you would like me to spare you?" I knew how much he wanted to hear that I turned towards Pan'tar,"Your thoughts?"
"Stop toying around with the boys emotions and get it over with."she said indifferently.
I looked the boy straight in the eye his body slowly began to shut down. After a few mere seconds he was gone.
"Let's go get the weapon." Pan'tar said with a excited expression.
"No need he had it on him." I laughed at the stupidity displayed.
We left the room and Skyler was waiting for us in the Jeep we stole two years ago. Since then we painted it lime green. We arrived at headquarters and walked in to a massacre. The most horrific thing was Christian was the ringleader of all the chaos.
"Stop!" All three of us yelled at the same time,"Clear out until further notice."
I glared at Christian,"What exactly were you doing?"
She had a guilty look on her face,"Nothing you need to worry about Alex."
She still had that same attitude I loved.
"Do you wanna go Dora?"
"Bring it on princess."
I threw my fist at her to make it fair I didn't use my powers. She jumped aside then tried to punch me. If you weren't apart of the fight then we probably looked like a Tasmanian Devil.After a couple of minutes Pan'tar and Skyler realized we weren't going to stop anytime soon and broke us up.
"Stop fighting you two! We have bigger problems then what Gab-er I mean Christian was doing." Skyler turned red after almost saying Christian's real name.
"Whatever" I huffed,"We have the weapon Christian."
She perked up immediately,"Great! Let's go to the shop then."
This was how great our friendship was. We could basically kill each other and be fine a second later.We walked to Christian "Fashion Store." What it really was is our weapon storage unit,but Christian also made clothes here.
"Soooo what does this weapon do exactly?" Pan'tar asked innocently.
"It's a molecular disintegrator. It will literally disintegrate anyone in a nanosecond."
My phone started to ring I looked at the id and noticed it was Johnny. He had a MAJOR crush on me. "Hello?"
"Yeah sure I'll be there in a minute."
"Who was that?" Pan'tar asked with a sly look.
"Johnny" I said blandly.
"Ooooh your lover."Skyler started wiggling her eyebrows.
"As if! I better go see you guys later."
"Bye!" They shouted in unison.
I went through the base to get to the boys wing. We have come a long way from just one little building. Now we are a huge network with more power then ever.I finally got to Johnny's room.
"Johnny I'm here."
The door opened and as always a smile was on his face.
"What do you want?"
"Ouch Alex I'm hurt" he faked sadness "I just need you to get me something."
"What is it?" I snapped getting impatient.
"A tux please." He said cheerfully.
"Why do you need a tux?"
"For special occasions of course."
"Fine I'll be back in two hours."
I drove to the nearest shop and immediately when I walked in the workers fell unconscious. I muttered to myself and started looking for a tuxedo.
-2 hours later-
I finally arrived back home with Johnny's stupid tuxedo. The base was pitch black. "Guys?"
"Surprise!" It seemed like the whole base was in the meeting area.
"W-What for?" I asked
"Your birthday duh" Pan'tar said giddily.
"How did you all know? I've never told you." I was very confused.
"I hacked the palace records and found it." Skyler said proudly.
"Then I told Johnny to send you on a wild goose chase." Christian had a sly look in her face.
"Thank you so much." This was one of the first times I had been happy since..that day. Then everything was ruined when the monitor came on.
"Hello to the Kingdom of Gems this is your gracious ruler Hank."

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