Chapter 4: Happy very unmerry birthday to me

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Everyone in the base froze at the sound of his voice.
"Today is a sad reminder of my daughter Emilie's death."
That's right everyone in the kingdom thinks I'm dead thanks to Hank.
"It is her eighteenth birthday. We all know how truly terrible this reminder is."
I turned to Pan'tar,"Something's wrong with all of this."
She merely nodded, and focused on the TV.
"But it is also a terrible day because her betrothed has no one to wed. He has something to say to the public."
Suddenly a tall shadow was all we could see.
"Hello to all in this wonderful kingdom."
His voice was like honey and silk mixed together I just wanted to melt from his voice. Wait did I just think that? No no I have no feelings.
"My identity has been concealed to keep me safe. I have information that our beloved princess Emilie has been kept captive all these years. By who you may ask it's none other than the rebels."
"No way!"
"He's lying!"
Shouts echoed through the room. The four of us looked at each other.
"SHUT UP!" We all shouted.
They all immediately became quiet.
"Thank you." Skyler huffed out.
Pan'tar had her look of determination,"Now we understand you are all confused."
I had to go next to come up with a lie," As you all know the King hates our organization and now has come up with a filthy lie to turn the public against us. We all-"
I was cut off by a loud beeping noise.
"Guys it's the alarm we have attackers at the front." Christian said glumly.
We immediately went into action.
"Skyler keep them out of the base. I don't care what you have to do they can't discover us."
"Will do Alex."
"Christian pass out the weapons,but keep the md. Meet us out front."
"Got it." She sped off.
"Yes ma'am!" They scattered. I looked at Pan'tar.
"Let's go kill some soliders."
Her reply was an evil grin.
We rushed out to the front the kids were already fighting some were hurt none we killed yet. We ran into the very core of the battle. Christian was already blasting people to bits. Pan'tar started fighting a big burly blond guy. I noticed a brown haired guy sneaking up on her. I pictured him disappearing into ash. I opened my eyes and he was gone in his place was a pile of ash.

4 hours later
We had finally driven out the last of the soliders. The four of us had already sent the others to safe houses.
"Well I guess we get to go to the beach house!" Pan'tar was covered in blood, but was somehow cheery.
"Yes we get to go to the beach house." Skyler rolled her eyes.
"Let's go you guys." I chuckled as they all squealed with joy.
We drove to my beach house I bought because Grace annoyed me until I did.
Oh right I said Grace well we call each other our real names when it's just the four of us.
20 minutes later
We arrived at the house and everyone went to their rooms. My room was red and pink for my two favorite colors.
"We have no CLOTHES!!!!" Christian yelled " We need to go shopping."
"Yeah let's go!" Pan'tar and Skyler agreed.
"Please Emilie." They pleaded.
"Fine let's go shopping."
"Yay!" They squealed.
This was gonna be a long night.

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