Chapter 7:Family Reunion

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The next morning I was getting prepped on how to handle seeing Hank again. After four grueling hours I was ready to leave. I decided to wear a blue dress that was mid-way between my thigh and knee. Michael pulled up in a limo. The doorbell rang and I went to answer it. My friends ran to the door with me with wide grins. I opened the door to see Michael in a black suit and boy was he handsome.

"Hey Alex." Michael gave me a heart melting smile.

"Hey yourself." I smirked and then noticed my friends waiting to be introduced.

"Oh Michael these are my friends Pan'tar, Skyler, and Christian. Guys this is Michael."

"Hello girls." He smiled but it wasn't the smile he gives me.

"Hey." They all smiled back and I rolled my eyes.

"We should probably get going." Michael was smirking.

"Well bye guys don't wait up for me." I smiled at them.

We got in the limo and drove off. He sat quite close to me and put his arm around my shoulders.

"So you have some.....interesting friends." He finished.

"Crazy? Is that the word you're searching for?" I replied with a grin.

"Yeah but I didn't want to be so blunt though." He was acting shy.

"It's ok I know they are but they are amazing people." I was reminiscing about all the times we had together.

"We are here Alex." Michael whispered. I woke up and realized I fell asleep. Time to go to work.

"Hello Mr. Jackson." The guards said in unison and I noticed some were guards I had scared to death. Ah old memories.

"Good day to you all. This is my guest Alex."

"Hello to you all. Y'all are doing a wonderful job." I smiled and instantly the guards melted in my gaze.

"Hello miss Alex." They all smiled and I mean ALL.

I giggled at them as Michael pulled me away.

"First you have to meet the King." He told me.

Oh this was just to easy! I would have to control myself in order to not kill him on the spot. We walked in the room and there on MY THRONE was Hank.

"Your majesty this is Alex." Michael has a respectful tone.

"Hello dearie." It was sickening that I had to be nice to him.

"Hello your majesty it's a pleasure to be in your presence." He smiled at me and his mind said he was pleased with me.

"Please call me Hank." He bent down and kissed my hand. It was DISGUSTING!

"We will be leaving now Hank." Michael said there was a hint of venom in his voice.

"Alright I'll see you later."

Michael took me by the hand and led me to my old room. He stopped and looked a little sad.

"This was the princesses room. Sometimes I feel like she will come back." He said in a faraway tone.

"I wonder if she will." I was really talking to myself.

8 o'clock

We had a great date. He took me everywhere and treated me like a queen he said I could stay the night and I texted the girls to let them know. I was in the guest bedroom when I heard a knock at the door. I opened the door to see Hank standing there.

"Hello Hank what can I do for you." I was curious had he figured out who I was?

"Follow me please Alex." He lead me to to the throne room and sat down in his throne.

"This other throne is for the queen you know." He had a quiet voice.

"I know sir it's beautiful." I was slightly interested in what he was doing.

"I've got a deal for you miss Alex."

"And what might that be?" I asked he was definitely up to something.

"Alex I want you to..."

Perfect WeaponOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora