Chapter 8:The Deal

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"Alex I want you to become my queen."

Had I heard him right did he just ask me to basically marry him?!

"Um what?" I said.

"Become the Queen with me as the King. I'll make sure you never go back to your old life." He smiled sweetly.

"N-no! I'm with Michael!" I screamed at him.

"That can be taken care of." He had an evil glare. I was starting to heat up I was gonna set myself on fire if I didn't calm down.

"No I'm leaving."

"Don't doubt that I'll see you again Ms Diamond." I stopped dead in my tracks he knew who I was. Not the real me, but the rebel leader Alex.

"Well I guess there is no use in hiding it then Hank." I let the venom spill out in every word.

"Dearie let's not beat around the bush you marry me I'll make sure you aren't in jail." He smirked.

"I'd rather die."

"What about Michael?"

"What? You would kill him to get to me."

"Of course he is of no use to me."

"No I won't ever love you ever."

"I'll make you love me just wait. Goodbye Alex."

I stormed out of the palace and called Skyler.

"Alex!" She squealed.

"Come pick me up we have a problem." I was gritting my teeth together.

"On our way." With that she hung up.

"Alex! Alex! Wait!" Michael came running up beside me.

"What Michael?" I snapped at him.

"Why are you leaving?" He asked in the most innocent voice I've ever heard.

"My friends need me back home they're coming to get me."

His face got a little cheerier.

"Ok well before you go."

He pulled me into yet another blissful kiss. I opened my eyes and saw Hank standing beside a tree looking mad. To make this worse for him I turned the innocent kiss into a make-out session. I pulled away leaving Michael breathless and Hank storming into the palace. The girls pulled up and I hopped in leaving a still shocked Michael.

"So what happened?"Christian asked getting straight to the point.

"Hank knew I was Alex Diamond."

"What?" Pan'tar looked concerned.

"What did he do?" Skyler asked.

"He offered me a deal." I said with a steely gaze.

"What deal." They said in unison.

"I can marry him or Michael gets killed." I said with anger coming out of every word.

"We better pull over you're about to blow." Christian observed the obvious.

We stopped in the forest nearby and as soon as I got out the trees set on fire the ground cracked and the river flooded. That was just the tip of the ice berg my temper tantrum went on for about an hour then we drove home.

"So what are you going to do?" Christian asked.

"I can't marry him how will that look when I reveal who I am?"

"True but-" Skyler was cut off by the TV.

Breaking News
We have just been informed that at the popular restaurant ICE there has been a murder. The murderer is none other than the gangster that calls himself Smooth Criminal. More on this story as it develops.

"You think they might have been trying to get in the club?" Pan'tar asked.

"I have no idea but we are going to find out." I was curious as to if this person was trying to break in to MY club.

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