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Rachel was woken up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. She got dressed went down stairs to see Noah making their breakfast. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him from behind.

R: Good morning.

N: Good morning to you my beautiful princess. I have your coffee ready for you.

R: Mmmm. It smells so good. I can't believe that the reunion is about to start.

N: I know.

Kurt and Santana come shuffling in the kitchen. Both get their coffees as well.

K: How are you guys going to announce the news?

R: I don't know yet.

S: Oh, I have an idea. Why don't you guys make copies of the ultrasound and put them in envelopes.

N: That does sound good. We can hand them out and when the time comes. They can open them together.

R: Hmmm. That does sound like a perfect plan. Let's do it. Alright, Kurt we are going shopping right? Because my pants don't fit anymore. Tops are good but not he pants.

K: Yes, diva we are.

Rachel turns to a Noah. Still holding him while he has his arms around her waist.

R: And what will you be doing?

N: I am going to mom's house. I need to get something special for you and the baby.

R: Oh. What is it? Hmmm?

N: *chuckles* You will have to wait. Oh don't pout. You will love it trust me.

Rachel smiles wide and stands on her toes to give him a kiss. They all start eating breakfast talking about the baby and everything else. They are literally like one big happy family. Santana told them that she would go and make the copies and get the envelopes.

They finished up and Rachel cleaned up the dishes. While Kurt and Santana were getting ready. Noah was helping Rachel with the dishes.

N: Have I ever told you that I am happy that you are in my life.

R: Yes. You do and I love hearing you say it.

N: And I will keep saying it. Over and over again. And I truly can't wait to a father to our amazing baby. I love you so much.

R: *starts to tear up* You always say the most romantic and sweetest things to make me tear up. I love you so much, Noah. Always and forever.

Noah leans down and kisses Rachel. They finish up the dishes and get ready for the busy day ahead of them.


Everyone is in the choir room catching up on what they have been doing since some of them graduated. Santana arrived there early to hand out the envelopes and told everyone to not open them.

Rachel, Noah, and Kurt finally arrived and they were welcome with hugs and stories. Mr. Schue came in and started the reunion.

M. Shue: Alright everyone let's get started.

One by one everyone was sharing what they have been doing. All the accomplishments and such. It was now Rachel and Noah's turn to share.

N: Now alot of you have an envelope that Santana handed out. *they all nodded*

R: This is our surprise to you all. You guys can go ahead and open them up.

One by one everyone opened up their envelopes. Some of them were looking at the ultrasound confused. That was until both Brittany and Blaine said out loud.

B&B: Oh my God. Your pregnant!

R: Yes we are.

They all stood up and went to the the happy couple and congratulated them. The girls talking to Rqchel about baby clothes and the baby shower and the guys went to Noah and they were talking about how lucky and proud they were.

Q: Rachel, I am so happy for you. Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?

R: No not yet. We will find out at our next appointment.

T: Have you thought about the names?

M: What about the colors in the nursery?

R: Ummm.

N: Baby. Let me help you out. We haven't talked about names yet. And as for the colors we are waiting to find out if it is a boy or a girl.

R: Thank you, honey. When we find out we are going to have a party for the reveal.

S: No, you won't. I will handle the reveal. Alright?

K: Yes, it is going to be a surprise for you.

Rachel sighed than agreed. That that is the best idea for them to do it. Noah walked over to Rachel and put his arm around her waist and smiled very happy.

The reunion continued.. everyone was singing songs and reminiscing about the past and talking about the future. Afterwards Rachel, Noah, Kurt, and Santana headed back to Rachel's dads house. As they were packing to go back home. Noah called for everyone to come into the living room.

R: Honey, why do you want us down here?

N: Well, I wanted everyone to be here for when I give you this.

R: What is this?

Rachel opens the box and moves the tissue out of the way. Her breathe is taken away by what she sees. She sees an old teddy bear and blanket.

Kurt and Santana are in tears and smiling. They are amazed at what they are seeing.

N: I spoke to my mom and we found some of my old baby things. So, I would like to pass down my first stuffed bear and my first blanket.

R: Oh, Noah this is perfect. I love them and so will our baby.

Rachel gets up hugs Noah and kisses him passionately. After they all eat dinner they go to bed. Because they leave for New York early in the morning.

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