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As Rachel and Noah's plane landed back in Ohio. Kurt and Santana were there to pick them up. They were all happy to see each other.

S: Oh my God. Welcome back and how was the honeymoon?

R: I loved it.

N: Yes it was. So, was the rest of the island *chuckles*

Rachel slapped him in the arm. Smiling as well because she knew why he said that.

K: OK diva. Your, well I guess it your guys dads are gone for 6 months so they said that we can have a get together.

S: Well, what do you say?

R: Let's do it. Oh, I can't to get get home and relax.

N: Baby I am right there with you. I mean that plane ride was long.

R: But we managed *winking at Noah*

S: Oh god did you to join the club up there?

R: I'm not saying a word.

N: Come on Rach let's go home and get everything ready for tonight.

Rachel nods and gives her loving husband a kiss. On the drive back from airport to their home. They are all talking about what has been happening the week they were gone. Who broke up, hooked up, and so on and so forth.

They finally get home. As Kurt and Santana are putting their luggage in the house. Noah looks at Rachel with a smile she knows all to well.

R: What is that look on your face?

N: What look? *smiling*

R: That look.

N: Oh, I just want to do something before we go in.

R: Oh really and what might that be?

N: This

Noah picks up Rachel like a bride. He walks over to the door and walked her over the threshold. He than puts her down.

N: I just wanted to walk my beautiful wife through the threshold of our home.

R: I love you so much, my husband.

Noah has his arms around Rachel. He looks down at her, leans in and kisses her with so much love.

N: Guys, why don't you guys get things started for us. We are going to take a shower.

K: No problem.

S: We got it. Have fun in the shower.

They head upstairs. Put up their clothes and both jump in the shower together. Where they hold each other, kiss and something else.

After awhile they go to the bedroom to get clothes on. They go back downstairs and help out Kurt and Santana for tonight.

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