Panic Attack

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Quinn and Santana find Rachel in the bathroom on the floor breathing very fast. They are trying their best to calm her down, but nothing seemed to help. So, Quinn pulled out her phone.

*Noah's phone rings*

N: Hey Quinn. What's up?

Q: Puck there is something wrong with Rachel. We are in the bathroom near the cafeteria.

N: I am on my way.

As soon as Noah hung the phone he rushes toward Rachel. Once he is inside he sees Rachel on the ground with Quinn and Santana on either side of her.

N: Baby, I am here. I need you to breathe for me.

Rachel tries to take deep breathes. But it doesn't work. Noah than takes her hand and puts it on his heart.

N: Come on remember take deep calm breathes. Concentrate on my heartbeat and breathe.

Q: What happened is she alright?

N: She is alright. Every now and then she gets panic attacks. This one was not as bad as the others.

Rachel's breathing is back to normal and she just sits there. She looks at Noah and smiles.

R: I am better. Thank you guys for calling Noah.

S: No problem.

Noah helps Rachel up and just holds her. He kisses her forehead and rubs her back.

N: Alright. That one was not bad. How are you feeling now?

R: Much better. *still holding Noah*

N: Good. Let's get you something to eat.

Rachel nods. She looks up at Noah and gives him a gentle kiss on the lips. He smiles down and his heart races.


Everyone is sitting glee waiting for Mr. Shue to arrive. Noah has his arm around Rachel holding her. While she is talking to Tina, Mike, and Matt. They are talking about wanting hang out.

R: Noah will it alright if they can come over?

N: I was going to ask you that.

R: Great. I have the best man.

N: And I have the best girl.

They kiss and hold each other. While everyone looks at them smiling knowing that they are in love with each other. Even though they haven't told each other yet.

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