The Appt. and Ohio

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K: Guys. You have all your bags?

R: Yes. Wait, where are my prenatal vitamins?

N: I got them. Just in case you forgot.

R: Thank you. Santana, hurry up. We can't miss the OB appointment. Then after that we are going to the reunion.

S: Alright. I got everything. Let me recheck... Yep I have it all. Let's get going.

K: I already called the cabs for us. Also our flight is confirmed.

R: Good my dads will meet us when we land. Now, are we ready to see the little one, Noah?

Noah walks over grabs Rachel by the waist, smiles down and kisses her. Pulls back smiling wide.

N: Yes, I am very much.

K: Hey, we are too.

S: Let's get moving then.


Rachel and Noah are in the room waiting for the doctor to come in and speak with them. They are talking about how they are going to tell everyone the happy news. The doctor comes in.

D: Hello, my name is Dr. Robbins and I am going to be your OB-GYN.

R: Hello, doctor.

D: *walks to the ultrasound* Let's see if we can get you two a picture. Are you guys a first time parents?

N: Yes, we are.

D: Well, congratulations again. *has the wand on the belly* Alright there is the heartbeat and right there *pointing to the screen* is your baby.

Rachel is looking at the screen smiling very wide. She then looks at Noah and he has tears in his eyes. While he is smiling.

R: Hey.

N: Yes?

R: That is our baby. *leans up and gives him a kiss* Dr. Robbins, can we get a couple of copies please?

D: Sure not a problem.

The doctor prints out three copies and hands them to Rachel. As, Rachel is buttoning her pants the doctor continues to talk to them.

D: Alright, I am going to see you guys back in 3 weeks. So, keep taking the vitamins and when I see you guys. I will let you guys know if it is a boy or girl.

R: Sounds good. Thank you Dr. Robbins.

They leave the doctors and head to the airport where Kurt and Santana are waiting for them. They all board the plane.


Rachel, Noah, Kurt and Santana finally arrive in Ohio. Rachel's dads are there for them.

R: Daddies *gives her dads hugs*

H: Hey, everybody. *he hugs everyone*
Alright, you two will be downstairs and Rachel and Noah you guys know where you will be at.

They all nod and head over to Rachel's dads house. Once they are settled Rachel, Noah, Kurt and Santana go out to eat dinner. They talk about how they are going to surprise the rest of glee about the pregnancy.

N: I dont care how we announce it as long as it is.

R: Why don't we just let them know. You know when everyone is there we just tell them the news and the ultrasound.

S: I like that idea.

K: Alright.

R: Perfect. Now let's head back to the house. So, we can try to get some sleep because tomorrow is the start of the reunion.

They all agree with Rachel. Noah holds Rachel's hand. While Santana loops her arm around Kurt's arm. They head back to the house to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a very happy moment in their lives.

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