The Call

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Noah was sitting at his desk thinking about the text that Rachel sent him. He was going to ask her about it, but she was nowhere to be found. That worried him because she never misses school. Once the bell rang he headed to glee. Thinking she will be there.

Noah arrives at glee and sees his best friends Mike and Matt. Along with Kurt and Finn.

N: Has anybody seen Rachel? I can't find her.

Everybody looks at each other and shake their heads no.

F: I haven't seen her all day. She is probably late.

K: That doesn't sound like her.

Matt: She will be here. She wouldn't miss glee.

Noah nods his head at Matt. As he goes sits in the back to sit down. Everyone else shuffles in the room. Mr. Shue arrives and starts talking about the assignment to the class. As soon as he asked if there was anyone had a song to share. Noah's phone goes off.

*cellphone rings*

N: Oh crap. Sorry Mr. Shue I thought I had it on silent. *looks at the caller ID and is confused* hello.

Nurse: Hello, is this Noah Puckerman?

N: Yes this is. May I help you.

Noah slowly starts making his way towards the door. So, he can take the call out in the hallway.

Nurse: Yes, we have a young lady that was brought in last night. She was asking for you.

N: Alright. Well, what is her name?

Nurse: Give me a moment... Let me look at her chart... Oh yes Rachel Berry.

Noah stopped dead in his tracks in the middle of class near a chair. He pulls the chair to him and sits down. When the nurse said Rachel's name his heart stopped beating.

N: I... I'm sorry. Who?

Nurse: Rachel Berry. Sir, we need you to come in right away. The doctor needs to speak with you.

N: Yes, I will be there.

After Noah hangs up the phone. He sits there with his head in his hands whispering to himself "Oh God. Oh God. Oh god."

He was in a state of shock. Until Mike and Matt went over to him.

Matt: Puck? Dude, are you alright?

Mike: Are you there?

N: Huh, what. *snaps back to reality* I have to get to hospital now. Can you guys take me. NOW.

The boys nodded their heads. They head to Noah's truck. As they drive to the hospital Noah is still in shock and both Mike and Matt are confused as to what is going on. They finally arrive at the hospital. Once they park Noah rushes in with both of his friends running after him.

N: Hi, my name is Noah Puckerman. I am here to see someone who was brought in last night.

RE: Name?

N: * holding back tears* Rachel Berry.

When Matt and Mike heard Rachel's name. Their hands immediately went to their mouths in shock. Not believing what they had heard. Before they could talk the nurse came over.

Nurse: Mr. Puckerman? *Noah nods* Please follow me to her room. Have you spoken with the doctor?

N: No, we just arrived. What happened?

Nurse: Alright, Here is her room. You boys can go in and the doctor will be right with you.

As the nurse leaves to get the doctor. Noah, Matt and Mike go in Rachel's room. They all gasp for air at what they see. They see Rachel with her head wrapped up, multiple scratches and bruises all over her body, and what looke like a broken arm and leg. Noah then slowly walks over to Rachel and takes her hand. Dr. Knight walks in.

D: My name is Dr. Knight. Which one of you is Mr. Puckerman?

N: That's me. What happened?

D: Your girlfriend was involved in a hit and run accident. She slipped into a coma last night as the paramedics brought her in. Sir, we are trying to locate her parents. We need them to sign off on a brain surgery for her.

Noah has tears fall down his face when he hears what happened to Rachel.

N: They are out of the country. But I know someone who will sign off.

D: Good. Well, when they arrive. Please let the nurse know and I will be back to get their signature.

Once the doctor leaves Matt and Mike go to Noah and puts their hands on his shoulders. Noah than starts to cry while looking at Rachel. He tries to stop crying for a moment to tell the boys something.

N: I need you guys to go back to glee and let everyone know what happened. And get Mr. Shue here. NOW. Go please.

Matt and Mike nod frantically and head towards the truck. They are both in disbelief that their friend is in the hospital. Once they arrived to the truck. They head back to school to let everyone know what happened.


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