Pre-Valentine's Day

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Noah and Rachel's relationship has grown stronger as the days passed. Yes, they had their fights like any couple does, but they made a deal where they don't go to bed angry. That is what has made them strong.

The other night Noah's mom and sister came over for dinner. His sister adores Rachel and his mom is beyond thrilled that he has found a nice Jewish girl that he loves. She loves how they are towards each other.

Now, that Valentine's Day was 2 days away. Noah has the evening planned for Rachel and can't wait to see the look on her face. They were getting ready for school.

N: Hey baby. Where are my jeans?

R: Did you check the dryer?

Noah goes to check the dryer and there they were. As he walks in the bedroom. He is mesmerized when he sees Rachel. She was in a black spaghetti strap tank top and her hot pink shorts. She was doing her makeup when he comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her.

N: I am the luckiest man. I love you so much baby.

Rachel leans her head back and tilts it off to the side and kisses his lips softly.

R: Mmmm. I am the one that is lucky. You had my heart for the longest time, my Noah.

N: And you have my heart. You have always had it.

Noah walks off to put his jeans on and puts his shirt on. While, he does that he sneaks a peek at Rachel as finishes getting ready herself and is loving her more and more every minute.

R: Oh, don't forget the about the party tonight.

N: I didn't forget. I got the food and drinks already covered.

R: Great *phone chimes* Dads are coming back next month.

N: Alright. Now finish up. We don't want to late to school.

Rachel nods and finishes up. Noah has her bags already and they leave for school.


When they get to school they head to Rachel's locker first. Brittany and Kurt walk up to them.

B: Hey Puckleberry, my favorite couple. Do we need to bring anything tonight?

N: No, we have everything covered for tonight.

K: Perfect. Now diva Blaine and I will be there early to help get everything set up.

R: That sounds wonderful. Thanks Kurt.

N: Alright baby. I got to go Matt needs my help.

R: OK, I love you.

N: I love you, too.

Before he leaves they give each other a quick kiss. He walks to where Matt is at, but not before he heard the one thing that put a huge smile on his face.

B: Rachie, I am so glad that Puckleberry is back together. You guys are perfect.

K: Oh diva yes you are. I know that without a doubt that you guys are going to last.

R: Me, too. I love having him in my life.

At the other end of the school Finn and Quinn are talking about their plans.

Q: So, what are you planning for Valentine's Day?

F: Oh, I have it covered, babe. Don't worry you will love it.


Everyone was talking about the party over at Noah and Rachel's place. They are all excited. Mr. Shue walks in.

Mr. Shue: Alright, guys now as you know this week's assignment is to sing what you think is the greast love song. Now does anyone have a song?

N: I do. All of you know who this is for. So, baby this is for you.

Noah sits on the stool in front of Rachel and starts to sing "Amazed" by Lonestar. While playing his guitar and Matt and Mike as his backup. His eyes look into hers and he smiling. She starts to tear up and she felt like they were the only ones in the room. Once he finished she walked to him gave him a hug and kissed him.

R: Honey, I loved it and I love you.

N: I love you, too. My princess you are my world.

Everyone claps and cheers. While others wipe away their tears.

R: Mr. Shue, I will have my song ready on Valentine's Day.

Mr. Shue: Alright, now class is dismissed. See you guys tomorrow.

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