She'd marry him now if she could.

But maybe getting married and then being apart for the first year of marriage wasn't the smartest idea.

She pressed a gentle kiss against his lips as he slept, gently nudging his nose with her own. She noticed the hint of a smirk on his lips indicating he was slightly awake. His arms tightened around her and she buried her face against his neck with a soft laugh.

"It's still dark out," he murmured against her hair.

"Let's go and watch the sunrise," she whispered, tracing her fingers over his chest.

"When did you become a morning person?" He said, followed by a short yawn.

She shrugged, laughing again. He joined in, chuckling softly and pressing a kiss against the top of her head. He stretched an arm across her, groaning slightly, picking up his phone. She looked up to watch him, his eyes squinting at the harsh brightness of the screen.

"Sunrise is in an hour," he said, putting the phone back down and lifting her chin slightly, "So we have a little time."

His lips touched hers gently, and she couldn't help but smile as she kissed him back. This was bliss. Waking up, bodies entangled, pure love radiating between the two of them. There was no rush to get anywhere, they were completely and utterly relaxed.

His hand curved to cup her cheek as she moved on top of him slightly, pressing her hips against his and feeling his morning arousal. His hands moved to her waist with a soft groan. This was how she wanted to start every morning.


They sat out on the balcony, the beginnings of the sunrise in the horizon colouring the ocean in front of them in a soft orange hue. Meredith sat in Derek's lap, between his legs, as he played with her hair. She would press a soft kiss every now and again against his bare chest as he curled her hair around his fingers. Her hand lay lazily on his abdomen.

Her gaze was focused on the sun as it slowly rose higher, but her mind was completely on him. Every touch, every breath. She didn't want any of this to end and thinking about the next year apart had her tearing up slightly, her breath catching.

"What's wrong?" Derek murmured softly.

"I'm just... it's going to be a long year," she sighed softly, hiding her face against his chest.

"It really is," he lowered his lips against her hair, "It's going to be so worth it, though."

"I wish we could get married tomorrow, then at least everyone in LA will know you're off the market," she laughed softly.

"They'll know anyway," he chuckled, "and I am not spending our first year of marriage with the whole country between us."

"I think I want to change my name," she said somewhat out of the blue, "I've been thinking about it."

"You know you don't have to," he gently lifted her chin, meeting her eyes, "You can do whatever you want to do."

"I know, I want to," she gave him a small smile, "I want... professionally I'll keep Grey, it just makes things easier, but personally, I want to be Mrs Shepherd."

The grin that took over his face made her heart melt. She knew it meant a lot to him even though he said it was her decision.

"I can't wait to come home to you every day," he murmured, leaning down to kiss her quickly.

"And... I want babies. Not a lot, maybe two or three," she whispered, holding his gaze, "Growing up an only child is... lonely."

"You want kids?" He said, his eyes widening slightly, and she could see the shimmer of tears there.

"Yeah," she grinned softly, "I want your babies, with perfect hair, and perfect smiles."

"As long as you mean your perfect smile," he laughed softly, kissing the tip of her nose.

"I want to enjoy our marriage, our time together first," she said, settling against him again to watch the sunset, "I want to enjoy being around you all the time, I don't think I'll be ready to share you for a couple of years."

"Whenever you're ready, I'm ready," he said, his hand caressing the bare skin of her back.

"I love you," she smiled wide, just as the sun fully rose.

"I love you too," he breathed.

They lay there together, peaceful, watching the horizon as the sun heated their skin. She would enjoy this as much as she could for now. It was just one more year. They could make it.

And when I felt like an old cardigan, under someone's bed,
You put me on and told me I was your favourite.

We've Got To Stop Meeting Like ThisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon