Chapter 47: The Destroyer Part 2

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A/N: Just want to give a friendly reminder to those that think Naruto could solo the Destroyer in his base form... Naruto does NOT have Six Paths Chakra in this story. His chakra attacks are equal to mana in this story, so Massive Rasengan spamming won't 'magically bypass the barrier'. The Destroyer's barrier required the Spell Break of a GODDESS in canon, and I intend to keep that threat. Don't underestimate KonoSuba's best worst girl Aqua.

In conclusion, Naruto can't solo the Destroyer in this story without Kurama's help.

"Hey, isn't the Destroyer getting a little too close? What are those guys doing?"

Dust questioned while looking up at the gate's towers, and a few others shared his concern.

With the Destroyer's imminent approach, the adventurers holding the frontline began to grow weary.

They were fully aware of the plan, and the walking fortress should have been in range for the Arch Priest in Kazuma's party to dispel the magic barrier. So why haven't they?

"They didn't leave us behind, did they? How could you do this to me, Boss!? Take me with you-Gah!"

"Quiet, you. You're gonna cause the others to panic with your idiocy."

Lynn smacked Dust with her staff when he started panicking and tried to run towards the gate. She then looked up at the towers worriedly herself.

What was taking those guys so long?

"Aqua!? Hey, we kinda need you right now! Aqua-San!?"

Kazuma panicked as he shook the red-faced priestess by the shoulders.


Aqua giggled to herself with a glazed expression.

...It was no use. The girl was completely out of it.

'How did this happen? She was fine just a moment ago...'

Kazuma pondered as he lay his party member onto the ground.

But then, Aqua mumbled something whilst in her delusional state.


"O-of course I will! Just who do you think I am?"

Aqua shouted back at Naruto while looking away with a huff.

What did that stupid ninja think of her anyway? Did he think that she was some useless bumkin of a goddess who couldn't even break a simple barrier?

Of course not! After all, he said 'that'!

"Guehehe... He's counting on me..."

Aqua started giggling to herself when she realized Naruto was basically admitting that he couldn't live without her.

What an unreasonable fellow. Even after saying 'that', he was making her do all the work in this fight.

But knowing that man, he'll likely claim that he was the one who did all the work and say that she should be the one giving the reward.


-Aqua's Imagination-

"Aqua-San, I defeated the Destroyer."

Naruto, whose face extremely exaggerated, said as he stood over a pile of rubble that was the Destroyer. He then hopped down and walked over to her, until he was staring right into her eyes. Those dazzling eyes that were as blue as the ocean.

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