Chapter 7: A Party is Formed(?)

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'Darkness, huh? She kept looking at me like I was supposed to do something... What a weird person.'

Naruto thought as he walked back towards the town with his hands behind his head. His first impression of Darkness was that she was a clumsy knight that couldn't swing a sword for her life. Although she seemed like a nice person and was very pretty...

'But I'm still concerned about that smile after all...'

The shinobi thought just as he heard a thumping noise, and he could see a toad hopping across the field a couple meters in front of him.

Naruto frowned. How could the people of this town want to kill such a harmless creature? He knew the giant toads in this world were completely different than the ones from his home, but couldn't they just move them without killing them?

Seeing the toads here reminded Naruto just how much he missed Gamakichi and the other toads back at Mount Myōboku.

'I wonder how they're all doing right now? Ma and Pa, the chief toad, Gamaken, Gama... Eh? What's with those clouds?'

Up in the sky, an ominous formation of dark clouds was beginning to swirl. Naruto started to feel a great collection of energy that he could only assume was mana off in the distance. Looking for the owner of the mana, Naruto saw a young girl wearing red clothes and a black cape with a matching black witch's hat. She seemed to be aiming...

...Right at the toad.

Naruto's eyes widened when he realized the mage's intentions, but he was too late. The girl opened her mouth, and all hell broke loose.



A deafening sound roared, and the toad was consumed in a volume of fire.

The wind caused by the explosion swept Naruto off the ground and blew him back a few feet, but he grabbed onto the ground to keep himself from tumbling away.

Naruto squinted his eyes as he watched the combustion that was comparable to even a small Bijuu Bomb.

Finally, the wind died down, and Naruto was allowed to relax.

There was now an enormous crater just fifteen meters in front of him, the remains of the toad were nowhere to be seen.

Naruto blinked.

He blinked twice.

Until finally:

"OI! Just where the hell do you think you're aiming that spell, and why would you use such a powerful technique on a toad!? That was way past overkill!"

Naruto shouted angrily at the red clothed mage and started running towards her to exact revenge, only skidding to a stop when the girl suddenly collapsed.

"H-hey, are you okay?"

He asked and crouched down in front of the little girl who was lying face down on the floor.

"Yes... It was a long fought battle, but I used up all of my mana in that first and final attack. I see you were almost caught in the explosion... My apologies, I get very excited when using that spell."

"I-I see... No, I guess it's fine. But you should watch where you're firing that spell, you could kill someone with that much firepower."

"Heh... A sacrifice or two would be nothing more than a tribute to Megumin, who was likely a god of destruction in a past life!"

"Well, this 'sacrifice' is about to leave you to be toad food if you don't stop talking nonsense, oh great god of destruction."

Naruto said with a twitching eyebrow, then grabbed Megumin's staff and proceeded to lightly bop the girl on the head.

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