Chapter 33: A Take on this Would-Have-Been Party!

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'Alright, it's time to put my new skills to the test! Boss Naruto, today is the day I surpass you!'

A certain delinquent adventurer thought to himself to solidify his resolve.

The young man left the alleyway he was hiding in and walked up to a beautiful young woman who was currently standing by herself.

"Hey miss, those are some nice skirts. What's the drop rate?"


The young man's strategy seemed to have failed, as his left cheek was now stinging painfully.


The girl spat before she walked off with a huff.

The youth sighed as he sported his aching face.

"What a bitch. I even complimented her ugly clothes. Oh well, guess my new pickup line needs some more polishing. But I really feel like there's an improvement!"

With that said, Axel's delinquent adventurer returned to the secluded alleyways.

Adventurer's Guild...

Naruto and Yunyun were sitting at one of the tables in the Adventurer's Guild, at the table in the corner of the room to be precise.

'I hope Naruto-San doesn't mind sitting here... I kind of walked here without thinking since I always sit here. What if he's weirded out and thinks I have a strange habit?'

Yunyun thought as she struggled to meet the older blonde's gaze.

Naruto sat with his arms crossed, waiting patiently for the girl to say what she wanted. They had agreed to meet at the adventurer's guild so they could discuss what Yunyun wanted.

But for some reason, their conversation was stalled the moment they sat down.

The shinobi was beginning to grow impatient, but he didn't want to be rude since he owed Yunyun for dragging her all the way to Axel Town and forgetting about her a couple times.

Although, maybe it would hurt to give her a little push...

"So, what do you want to do today Yunyun? Did you want to go on another quest? Though I don't know where Dust and Cecily are..."

Come to think of it, not knowing where those two troublesome individuals was actually kind of scary. Who knows what kind of trouble they were getting into?

"Ah, actually... I was kind of thinking... Um..."

Yunyun started while poking her fingers together timidly.

This conversation was going nowhere. Maybe she needed a little more than a push...

"If you want, I can buy you lunch? Though I'm a little low on cash because of a certain someone..."

Naruto suggested before grimacing when he remembered just how deflated is poor wallet was. Stupid Aqua...

"N-no... That's okay... I-"

Yunyun stuttered, but Naruto went on to another suggestion before she could muster to say anything else.

"Oh, I know! We can prank Megumin! Although she's probably still sulking over the Explosion competition..."

"I actually wanted to ask you about that, but maybe later..."

"Maybe I could-"

"I want to do activities friends do together!"

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