Chapter 28: First Target Is-!

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My name is Dust. I'm an adventurer who's quite famous in Axel. I pride myself in guiding newbie adventurers down the right path by telling them about all my heroic tales and achievements.

But that's not what I'm doing today. For you see, I recently met a certain man who inspired me. This man is also well known in Axel, and while not as famous as myself, his fame comes from something quite different. A type of popularity in which I desire.

So, I decided that I would try and learn from this man to gain what he has that I lacked. It seemed the goddess of luck, Eris, was on my side when I confronted the guy because he conveniently invited me to join his party. What luck!

I feel bad about leaving my party members behind, but I trust they understand that this is a path that I must take. Of course, if they're that desperate to have me back I might reconsider. Those guys really are hopeless without me after all.

Sorry, I'm getting side tracked. Back to my story.

After I joined that man's party, he left to go recruit a mage in a certain village. In the meantime, I swapped parties with a drinking buddy of mine who's in a party full of beauties. Boy was that a mistake.

An Arch Priest who won't shut up about how great she is but can't back her words with action, a mage who shows off their one-use spell right before the battle and collapses from mana exhaustion, and a perverted Crusader with a hopeless masochistic personality.

Yeah, I want nothing to do with those girls ever again. Best of luck, Kazuma.

After those troublesome days, I was later bullied by some punk with a magic sword because I flirted with his groupies. I got back at him by reselling his sword to him that I happened to find by complete chance, but he later found out that I cheated him and beat me up a second time. I'll have to ask the Boss to avenge me.

But my misfortunes didn't end there. After the battle with the Demon King Army General (which I showed up late to and didn't get any reward money for it), I woke up in an Axis Cult Church and was threatened by a psychotic priestess who was looking for the Boss. I was forced to give away all my information on that man to save my own purity, including his address. If I hadn't, I would have been forced to join a gang of lunatics. Don't tell me you wouldn't have done the same.

Honestly, these past couple days have been nothing but trouble. I don't know what I did to deserve this kind of torture. But I won't let it get me down.

Now, you must be asking yourself: "What is the great adventurer Dust-Sama doing now?".


"Wahhhhh! Save me! They're going to eat me!"

Dust yelled as he ran from two Rookie Killers for dear life, but they were quickly gaining on him due to his crippled speed in the snow.

They had just been hunting goblins, so why did he have to get attacked by a Rookie Killer!? Two at that!

It was no wonder such an easy quest was still on the board. Because it was now the start of winter, the stronger monsters were beginning to come out.

A shadowy figure loomed over Dust's head and landed in front of the two giant cats, lifting a bunch of snow into the air.

Naruto, with his eyes an unusual color and shape, stopped the Rookie Killers by catching one in each of his hands. Grasping their snouts with an iron grip, he spun a couple times to gain momentum before he hurled them into the air in the direction of the mage of his group.



Yunyun responded nervously when she noticed a slight flickering on the snouts of the large felines, and she was quick to realize what Naruto wanted her to do. She quickly began to chant a wind spell.

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