Chapter 48: Aftermath

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Emergency Quest Complete!

"With the combined efforts of Naruto-San and everyone, the Destroyer has been defeated! On behalf of the guild staff and the citizens of Axel, we thank you very much!"

Luna cheerfully said before she bowed deeply, along with the other guild staff members.

The adventurers roared upon seeing this, and the celebration begun. Everyone began to drink like there was no tomorrow, and dance around like fools.

Kazuma would have done the same, but first he had more pressing matters to attend to.

"What did I say? The Destroyer didn't stand a chance against us with me around! Wahaha!"

Aqua shouted before downing her third mug of ale in one go.

"Yes! I hope we get to face against another foe like the Destroyer soon!"

Darkness agreed and started drinking from her own mug.

"You two didn't do a thing. In fact, you were both more of a handicap this time around."

Kazuma retorted, causing the two women to spew ale from their mouths.

"What!? Say that again you shitty NEET!"

"I-I wasn't useless, was I Kazuma!?"

Aqua and Darkness both yelled at Kazuma, who only stared at the two with a distasteful look.

That's right, because the one who did most of the work this time around was Naruto.

"I can't believe this is the same brat I met at the hot springs all those years ago... To think you not only mastered the Rasengan, but even combined it with Explosion magic! But not only that! You managed to befriend the Nine-Tailed Fox! The Destroyer didn't stand a chance! As expected of my prized pupil! Gahahaha!"

Jiraiya praised the young blonde with a hearty laugh and slapped him on the back.

"Yeah, Naruto was great out there!"

"I always knew there was something special about that guy!"

"Free cheers for Naruto!"

As the ever-so rowdy adventurers cheered, Naruto scratched at his whisker-marks awkwardly. He wanted to retort and call out their BS, but their cheers made him decide otherwise.

"Don't forget that we were able to bypass the Destroyer's barrier because of the combined forces of our Explosion magic!"

Megumin chimed in while stepping in front of Naruto in an attempt to steal the spotlight.

"That's right! The shopkeeper was there too!"

"Not to mention that shorty who shielded us from the shockwave!"

"Yeah, where is that little shorty? I want to thank her!"

Megumin stumbled on her own feet when the adventurers ran over to Yunyun, who was now hiding behind Naruto from the sudden attention. How dare that socially awkward girl steal her moment!

"T-t-thank you all...! I-I'm just glad everyone is safe!"

Yunyun stuttered extremely hard as the crowd praised her.

Naruto laughed as Yunyun clutched his vest tightly while staring at the floor. The poor girl... She was probably both happy and terrified right now.

"Ahem... Naruto-San? May I have a word?"

Luna said and poked the shinobi's shoulder, and the crowd immediately quieted down and gave the two some room.

"What's up, Luna-Chan?"

Naruto X Konosuba - A Ninja Takes On This Wonderful World!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt