"Why does it matter if the brat wants to be petty? It doesn't have anything to do with training to become better heroes. Get it out of your thick skull."

"Where is he by the way? I just saw him a little bit ago." Looking around, you still couldn't see him. By the way, the sun was setting it had been at least 5-10 minutes and was getting darker but still.

"I don't care."

"I know you don't but I do. He's just a kid." You looked around a little bit more before shrugging, "He probably went to his hideout.

The food was good that night. It looked appetizing, and by the time everyone was done eating and put away their dishes, it was time to do what they had planned that night. You all walked over to a big dark area in front of another big set of woods. It was eerie, and the swift breeze that passed through once in a while just to remind you of the setting.

"We've filled our bellies and did our dishes!" One of the cats started.

"Wait, first. The five of you will be joining me for extra classes. Your training earlier didn't satisfy me." 

"What..." Mina looked over with her smile frozen as he eyes looked like they shrunk. Then you noticed that the rest of them were that way too. Aizawa dragged those poor souls away while Pixie-Bob kept explaining.

"Class 1-B will start as our scarers. Class 1-A will leave every 2 minutes in pairs. The goal is to collect the tags with your names on the opposite side of the route. You aren't allowed to make physical contact, so use your quirks."

"The winner is whoever is the most creative and makes the most people piss their pants!" Tiger yelled as he stuck out a finger. 

"Rivalry in the dark." You glanced over to Tokoyami who had a serious expression still. He was creepy since day one, but now he just kept repeating that same line. Rivalry in the dark.

"It's time to draw partners! Take a random slip of paper!" 

Everyone started picking them, and when you looked down at yours it had an 8 written on it. Everyone started to find their partners until you saw Izuku standing all by himself. "You got 8?"

"Yeah, I can't find my-" You held it in front of his face, "Oh, perfect then. Guess we're last huh?"

"Well considering we did choose the last numbers. What are the odds?" You sighed and started to look around at the pairs.

"Tail- TRADE WITH ME!" You glanced over the same time Izuku did. 

Blasty looked over in your direction, "Shit." You mumbled. He stomped over and you cut his temper tantrum as quick as you could, "Deal with it. Worried you'll get shown up by half and half?"


"Then suck it up and walk back with your partner."


"No use words! Go back with Todoroki Boom Boy. Plus, you don't want to be with Izuku do you?" 

"Then he takes mine!" You folded your arms and shook your head. He stood there for a second looking between you and Izuku before grumbling and walking off back to Todoroki to yell some more which turned into him pestering Ojiro. Poor dude. 

"He's like a damn animal."

"Yeah, looks that way. Especially when he yells it's like a barking dog." Izuku commented with a smirk.

"Or just a toddler who doesn't get his way." You sighed. There's a lot of people trying to trade. Can't blame them, I mean if I got grape head or four eyes I'd probably do the same."

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