Black Out Days

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Midoriya sat in the corner of the room, his hand holding Bakugo's tight as the teachers, heroes and his friends sat down with the Police Chief , Kenji Tsuragamae. He was particularly aware of the way Todoroki's eyes slanted, still annoyed with the man for a time when he thought he was going to blame them for rescuing his friends from Stain. He watched as Kirishima lightly brushed Todoroki's hand, a soft smile on his face, reminding him that the man wasn't here to yell at them this time.

"In light of the recent events," Tsuragamae spoke. "We've decided to dismantle the hero commission until further notice. Thanks to our Endeavor, Hawks and their team of students, we've managed to take Shigaraki down enough that it might be a while before we hear from or see him again."

Todoroki's hand gripped the table tight and Touya who sat on the other side of him put a hand on his shoulder. Midoriya could see what was annoying Shoto. It was the way the Police Chief worded it, implying that his team was involved as well.

Touya stood then.

"With all respect Chief, your use of we is ... incorrect," he started. "We..." He gestured to the UA teachers and students around him, "purposefully did not include the police as we had no idea whether or not we could trust you, the same way we realized we couldn't trust the hero commission."

"I don't answer to wanted felons," Tsuragamae said.

Endeavor, Aizawa and Keigo stood simultaneously, looking at each other before Endeavor chose to speak first.

"That felon, my son, is the reason the mission was successful. He is the sole reason our students made it out alive and safe," Endeavor spoke firmly. "It would do you well to address him as a part of our team... as a hero."

Tsuragamae cocked his head, his ears flopping as he raised an eyebrow.

"And to be quite honest," Keigo continued. "I still don't trust you, or this system to be quite frank. I've seen the way you've treated these children as pawns over the years, refused to give them rightful credit for things they did. For doing the right thing when they were faced with no other option. And even now, as they sit before you, you attempt to take the shine from them. Refusing to admit that these students and Touya Todoroki are the sole reason Izuku Midoriya is sitting here with us, safe and willing to join the fight to find Shigaraki and end this once and for all. It would seem, Tsuragamae, that you are part of the problem as well."

Midoriya felt Bakugo's hand tighten around his at the mention of his name. Maybe it was an attempt to make sure he wouldn't run, or to remind him that he was okay, that he was safe. It wasn't until he looked over at him that he realized Bakugo's eyes were red and raging. He was squeezing Midoriya's hand to keep himself from ripping off the Police Chief's head. Midoriya smirked then, his body relaxing. This was the Kacchan he had known all those years, the passionate Kacchan that didn't let anyone or anything get in the way of what he wanted, what was right.

"You haven't witnessed what I've seen in the last three years Tsuragamae," Aizawa started. "One of my top three students left UA because he was worried about the safety of his friends, his classmates, his teachers. His classmates lost a friend, a motivator, a partner. They've watched their teachers put themselves in harm's way, they've lost teachers. And even then, they were willing to put themselves on the line. Shinsou here went undercover for three days witht the help of Touya who did nothing but ensure his safety. All because they believe in the primary vision hero society was built on: community and togetherness. And we've all lost sight of that goal. You as the police chief, and the hero commission especially."

"And quite frankly," Mirko smirked. "You're as dumb as a dog if you think we're going to keep sitting around pretending this system isn't fucked up. Because I promise you, the moment Endeavor, Hawks and I take a step back and call this shit out..."

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