The Cut That Keeps Bleeding

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Aizawa gunned towards UA with his foot on the gas. Shinsou sat next to him while Bakugo sat in the backseat, tears in his eyes, holding on to Midoriya for dear life. They had lifted him downstairs, careful to keep him on his side so he wouldn't choke. He knew the feeling Midoriya felt. He had felt that pain when his ribs were smashed in at the USJ which meant Aizawa also knew that Midoriya only had so much time left. He'd been like that for a day, maybe more according to what he'd heard. The kid had one hell of a fucking pain tolerance if he'd lasted that long. He imagined the food he ate didn't help either, only clogging his airway that was already struggling to stay open.

Aizawa had wanted to give them their privacy, but he just couldn't stay away. He couldn't risk Midoriya running. But everything the kid told Bakugo broke his heart more and more. He was glad he had found someone to keep an eye out for him in Touya, but he also knew Touya didn't give without taking. Shoto had learned that the hard way. Touya thought he had given his brother freedom when he left, but all he did was take his innocence, leaving him to be beaten and abused by Endeavor. To then, years later, think he was helping Shoto when he told the world who Endeavor was, but instead took away the little privacy Todoroki had left. And now, sat Midoriya in his back seat, blood draining from his mouth, covering his seat and Bakugo's clothing and all he could do was drive.

"You should have let me do this," Shinsou said softly.

"No," Aizawa answered. "No."

"What... what if he doesn't make it," Bakugo rasped. "What do I do then? What do we do? Fucking hell, how the fuck do we tell Inko we let her son die Aizawa?!"

Bakugo was yelling and sobbing simultaneously. He knew that pain well, he still mourned for his friend Oboro. He and Hizashi had brief hope right before the war that their friend was alive, that he was somewhere in Kurogiri's body. But it was only a shell of their friend and they were left to mourn all over again. He didn't want his students to feel that pain again. They had already lost Midnight and to some extent, Midoriya. If they really lost him, well he wasn't sure how he or class 3A would make it. He had promised AllMight he would keep an eye on his damn problem children and he'd be damned if he lost his chance to make it right.

"He will," Aizawa decided. "He's going to make it. Recovery Girl is waiting for us already, but we can't tell Inko. Not yet. If she shows up at UA, everyone will get suspicious, they'll ask why she's there, we can't risk that yet."

"She helped raise me," Bakugo sobbed. "We can lie, we can tell them she's here to check on me."

"I'll consider it," Aizawa said. "When we get him stable."

"If," Bakugo said, a darkness shifting into his voice. "If we get him stable."

Aizawa looked in the rearview mirror, at the scene that sat there. Bloodied Bakugo, his hand holding Midoriya's, seemingly willing him to life, willing him to survive a little longer. Tears fell down his eyes and he refocused on the road before he broke into a sob when he felt a hand reach out and take the hand that wasn't on the wheel.

"He'll be okay... dad," Shinsou whispered. It was the first time he had heard the word leave Shinsou's mouth since he'd adopted him and in that moment it only made him want to cry more.


When they pulled into the back entrance of UA, Bakugo pulled himself and Midoriya out and followed behind Aizawa as they sprinted to the Med Bay. It was the most secure medical area in UA, where the seriously injured students went after battle or training. It was almost always empty and Aizawa and Recovery Girl were aware of this when they decided it would be the best place for Midoriya to heal and stay hidden. The security system in the MedBay was also the best in all of UA. It was practically a bunker. There was no better place for him to stay.

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